Graph showing monthly global sea ice extent since January 2000. The area covered by sea ice is defined as having at least 15% sea ice cover. Thin blue line shows monthly values, and the thick blue line shows the simple running 13 month average. The red lines show the 1979-2023 average....
This Charctic graph of sea ice extent for Antarctica shows the yearly patterns of ice melt and growth since 1979. This graph also highlights the Feb. 21 record low summer minimum and the Sep. 10 record low winter maximum. Credit: NSIDC...
Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Extent – Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Extent – University of Bremen: Home Page – Sea Ice Page –...
Watching arctic sea ice rebound this year has been exciting, more so since a fewpredictionsandexpeditionspredicated on a record low sea ice this past summer failed miserably. I’ve spent a lot of time this month looking at the graph of sea ice extent from theIARC-JAXA website, which plots...
1, 2021, the ice instead began to dwindle — slowly at first, but by mid-October the numbers plummeted. Ice extent measured through the rest of the southern spring and into southern summer tracked among the lowest seen so far. The Charctic interactive sea ic...
Area vs Extent (CAPIE) On Persistent Cyclones Ocean Heat Flux Flash Melting North Hole Arctic Sea Ice News Scientists sound alarm over concerning find beneath Arctic sea ice: 'It is hard to predict what impacts this could have' - Yahoo! Voices Revisiting the Last Ice Area projections fro...
But the trend line on theIJISsea ice extent chart is also dropping big time. Here's the latest graph without the last data point (that always gets revised the next day): Here's theECMWFweather forecast for the coming days (click for a larger version): ...
Decreases in year-to-year sea ice extent are accompanied by increases in the duration of the Arctic "open water" season. This is the period between when sea ice melts in the summer and when it freezes again in fall, known as the "autumn ice advance." As our climate warms, sea ice ...
Comments Offon Arctic sea ice extent total for March does not equal global polar bear habitat Polar bear habitat is close to average for this date all over the Arctic this week.Barents Sea pack ice has increased substantially since last weekand the ice in Eastern Canada is still well above ...
I’m supposing that the CT didn’t also ‘adjust’ the Antarctic Sea ice anomaly. Roughly, I took the Arctic version and slid 2000 forward up 1M km^2, then did the graph magic overlay. Northern is Black, Southern is grey: