2021a), where it was pointed out that noise harmonics appear in spectra at depths of more than 15 m because the surface waves have faded to the instrumentation noise floor of the devices and the nonlinear constituents of the surface gravity waves have strengthened. Fortunately, this is of no...
These loggers sit ∼1 m off the sea floor in water depths ranging from 6 to 13 m and measure temperature at hourly or two-hourly sample rates. Time series of daily means were calculated as above. The Maria Island Time Series also provided Acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements...
Third, elastic deformation of the ocean floor occurs due to changing ocean mass loads (Mitrovica et al., 2001, 2011), affecting both near-field and far-field ocean heights. Sea level gravitational, rotational and deformational (GRD) fingerprints (Tamisiea et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2019;...
Container details and voyage summaries: Access a complete summary of container movements and vessel details. Sanctions information: Review the vessel's sanctions status, including any links to restricted entities. Complete port coverage: Track container movements through key commercial ports globally. ...
The ‘Area’ is defined as the sea-bed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction: UNCLOS article 1(1)(1). 49. E.g. Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources (1969) Our nation and the sea. A plan for national action. Government Printin...
Complex structure along a Mesozoic sea-floor spreading ridge: BIRPS deep seismic reflection, Cape Verde abyssal plaindeep seismic reflectionEarly Cretaceous Mid-Atlantic ridgenormal faultsSUMMARYAs part of an intensive study of a small area of oceanic lithosphere, the British Institutions Reflection ...
and sought to obstruct government investigations of his conduct. The Committee will take no further action at this time on the allegations that he may have shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/...
SCIENTIFIC DATA | 3:160013 | DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2016.13 1 www.nature.com/sdata/ Background & Summary More than 20 years of altimeter data have greatly improved our understanding of upper ocean processes, including large scale ocean circulation1,2, mesoscale variability3,4, sea floor topography...
Furthermore, in the modern Black Sea, (a) framboids may be suspended, attached to organic matter in the water column, thus not settle to the sea floor immediately after formation; and (b) the redox zone is an unstable complex area subject to rapid vertical water movement including occasional...
sensors mounted on the CTD, by miniature autonomous plume recorders (MAPR supplied by the PMEL Earth-Ocean observation programme of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)) and by custom-made sensors for temperature, redox, pH and H2S mounted on an ocean floor observation system...