“PPTEL SEA-H2X is excited to participate in the SEA-H2X consortium, joining our partners in the region with our investment consisting of a trunk fibre pair and a branch into Sarawak, East Malaysia. PPTEL SEA-H2X is transforming the telecoms landscape in Malaysia from our home base in Kuchi...
The SEA-H2X consortium comprising Sarawak-based international telecommunication infrastructure provider PP Telecommunication (PPTEL) through its subsidiary PPTEL SEA H2X Sdn Bhd, China Mobile International Limited (CMI), China Unicom Global (CUG), and Converge Informat...
To ensure the successful deployment of string rail transport networks in Southeast Asia, Asia Mobiliti has assembled a Malaysian consortium of leading industry players, consisting of Nippon Koei Mobility, the railway and mobility subsidiary of ID&E Holdings Group of Japan and Midwe...
June 2022WABAG expands its global footprint with a new large-scale seawater desalination order from Senegal WABAG expands Global footprint with a new JICA funded, consortium order for 50 MLD Desalination project in Senegal, worth about 146 Million E...
Malaysia KuantanKuantanKUANTANPORTCONSORTIUMMalaysia CebuCebu,Philippines SongkhlaSongkhla,Thailand YangonYangon,Burma DanangDaNangVietnam Qui,Nhon,turtleharbor,Vietnam Tanjung,Pelepas,Danbass,bath,Malaysia MERAKpeacockharbor,Indonesia BatamBatamIslandIndonesia CagayanDeOroofCagayanislandinPhilippines DavaocityPhilippines...
Seadrill Limited (SDRL) - First quarter 2012 results Highlights ) • Seadrill generates first quarter 2012 EBITDA* of US$595 million • Seadrill reports first quarter 2012 net income of US$439 million and earnings per share of US$0.89 • Seadrill increases the ordinary quarterly cash div...
Philippines Belawan urethane Bay Indonesia Pontianak Pontianak Indonesia Phnom Penh Phnom Penh, Kampuchea Sihanoukville Sihanouk, Kampuchea Bangkok Bangkok, Thailand Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuantan Kuantan KUANTAN PORT CONSORTIUM Malaysia Cebu Cebu, Philippines Songkhla Songkhla, Thailand Yangon Yangon...
In April, application for digital bank license by a consortium led by Sea and YTL Digital Capital Sdn Bhd. was approved by the Minister of Finance Malaysia. Full Year 2022 Guidance Update Given the elevated macro uncertainties, we now see a wider dispersion of potential scenarios for Shopee ...