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(Placename) a shallow arm of the Pacific between Korea and NE China. Area: about 466 200 sq km (180 000 sq miles). Chinese name:Hwang Hai Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 200...
Since 2010 I have been part of the team running theBasic Expedition Leader (BEL) Awardin London AreaSea Cadets. I have lost count of the number of potential Adventure Leaders I have trained and assessed over the years and more keep coming – we must be doing something right BEL Weekend 1...
This has been seen especially among women trainee officers (cadets), who are not only vulnerable in their role as cadets, in the bottom of the hierarchy, but also as lone women on board [64], [67]. 3.4. Individual and organisational effects of bullying and harassment at sea Studied ...
Camp at Sea is Celebrity's cruise kids club. Younger cruisers are divided into Shipmates (3 to 5), Cadets (6 to 9) and Captains (10 to 12), and teens (13 to 17) get their own Teen Club. Some ships have a special STEM at Sea program in partnership with the Frost Science Museum....
This case study presents the results of assessments of the potential risk of pollution by food waste in different applied shipping scenarios. A four-step model was used to analyse the applied procedures. The first step of the study involved the identific
The Seven Warlords of the Sea, or simply the Seven Warlords, were a selection of seven incredibly powerful and notorious pirates authorized by the World Government.[2] Collectively, they comprised one of the Three Great Powers keeping the world in balanc
after General Louis Botha, the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa) started out as River Class Cruiser the HMS Thames and was donated to South Africa by T B Davis, a philanthropist extraordinary, as a full-time institution for the sea training of South African Naval Cadets. ...
Union Bank is a large underwater mound, around 470 square kilometres in area, covered in coral reefs that stick out of the water in 31 places. The only feature on Union Bank that comes close to most people's definition of an 'island' is Sin Cowe Island which, in 1988, hosted a Viet...