We had activities for the Junior cadets, Campcraft and the DofE for older cadets and for the adults we had the Lowland Expedition Leaders Award – all in all a packed and fun weekend with the Sea Cadets – probably what kept me away from my camera. Cheers George Posted onDecember 27, ...
However, demanding excellent and uniform performance would neither be fair to current women employees, nor would it embrace the possibility of gaining new and valuable insights through the inclusion of a diverse workforce. Still, the speed of such a transformation, or whether it is at all ...
“A sailor’s uniform is a source of pride,” says CPO1 Steeves. “Being able to wash the white cover of the cap will make it easier for sailors to maintain a professional appearance.” The peaked cap was authorized for wear by all sailors, regardless of genderor gender orientation in 2...
[SSTP]. Thereafter, they come ashore for another six months to complete a few courses to appear for Second Mate’s examination. Cadets who complete the B.Tech Marine Engineering & Graduate Marine Engineering serve on board an ESM managed ship for about 6 months as a junior engineer. ETO ...
3. At around the same time, the government confiscated one of his vessels, the MS Philippine Admiral, crippling Cloma's shipping company. After a few days Cloma was told he would be charged with 'illegally wearing uniform and insignia'. Marcos' martial law regime had taken the 'admiral' ...