The Sea Beast: Directed by Chris Williams. With Karl Urban, Zaris-Angel Hator, Jared Harris, Marianne Jean-Baptiste. When a young girl stows away on the ship of a legendary sea monster hunter, they launch an epic journey into uncharted waters - and make
I liked “The Sea Beast” a lot and was never less than enthralled by the world it created. The animation and design are stunning, though there are a few disconnects in style. The ultra-reality of the water the ships are sailing on is so tactile you almost reach for a towel. The in...
The Sea Beastwastes no time showing off just how stunning its computer animation is, instantly rivaling Pixar’s best (and possibly topping anything that legendary studio has ever accomplished in terms of detail). That’s also fitting since the film comes fromMoanaco-director Chris Williams, and...
The Netflix filmThe Sea Beastis just that kind of movie, and it taps into thatsame elusive, all-ages appealthat studios like Disney, Pixar, and DreamWorks have delivered so reliably in recent years. Recommended Videos Directed by Chris Williams from a script he penned with Nell Benjamin (Leg...
initial assessment wouldn't be entirely wrong, definition-wise, doing so would negate that film's ability to inform, delight, and otherwise entertain an audience. That's certainly the case with Netflix's The Sea Beast, a wonderfully animated movie that sports a grand cast and s...
MOVIE: The Sea Beast (2022) // Monstruo del mar When a young girl stows away on the ship of a legendary sea monster hunter, they launch an epic journey into uncharted waters – and make history to boot. Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy ...
片名The Sea Beast / Jacob and the Sea Beast(2022),别名海兽 / 雅各与海兽。《海兽猎人》是一部能够给人带来惊喜的作品,也是Netflix现已解散的动画部门的最后一部电影。 生活在孤儿院的梅茜逃出孤儿院,开始寻求更大更刺激的冒险。她遇到了海兽猎人传奇乌鸦船长,还有乌鸦船长的接班人雅各布,于是想方设法爬上...
Movie Nation Jul 11, 2022 Charm and humor are in shorter supply than you’d hope. There’s barely a funny moment in it, even though there are English-accented attempts at jokes about how often sailors say “Yarrrr,” and a cute baby beast is introduced, right on cue, in the later ac...
Download About Video Files Video files are files that store digital video data on a computer system. Video is almost always stored using lossy compression to reduce the file size. A video file normally consists of a container (e.g. MP4) containing video data in a video coding format (e.g...
The Sea Beastdelivers a colorful, fun-filled, and heartwarming journey through an underwater world filled with humor, friendship, and action. With its vibrant animation, lovable characters, and engaging story,The Sea Beastis a delightful addition to the lost at sea genre for younger audiences. ...