SAP ABAP 小问题 046---SE11创建表SE54设置表属性没有系统变量 王姐姐不要啊 编辑于 2023年05月23日 20:30 收录于文集 SAP ABAP小问题 · 49篇 2022年4月14日18:04:21 Utilities -> Table maintenance generator -> 9000 SAPABAP 评论 赞与转发...
首先,CLASS定义这一块,定义一个CLASS叫C1,然后做一个方法,MAKEDATA是方法的名字,CHANGING是起到将内表INOUT传入又传出的作用,INOUT是内表的名字,类型是ZDDD(有的人可能会很懵,为什么内表的类型会是ZDDD,这是个什么玩意儿,内表不应该TABLE OF什么什么或者LIKE什么什么吗,在这边先知道INOUT是个内表就行,part3...
sap进行abap编程的时候,为了验证编程结果数据的准确性,经常需要直接访问后台数据库中的透明表 访问透明表使用事务码 SE11 输入SE11后进入下图界面,填写要进行查看的表格 如上图所示,我们要查看透明表ZERP* 这是 “逾期销售订单” 点击display按钮 如上图可以看出这个透明表的结构 但是我们接下来要查询其中的内容 点...
SAP BW ABAP 1、VBAP :销售订单(销售凭证) 2、MARA:物料主数据 3、MBEW: 物料价格 4、MAKT :物料描述 5、RLGRAP 装载文件的结构 RSBDBTAB 打开 Hub 目的地: DB 表 OPENHUB 模型 PROGDIR ... SAP ABAP学习笔记 ABAP/4 简介 ABAP/4 包括 - 带有各种类型和结构的声明数据的声明元素 - 数据制作的操作元素...
Here we would like to draw your attention toSE11 transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAPBC-DWB (ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure in Basis) componentwhich is coming underBC module (BASIS).SE11 is a transaction code used forABAP Dictionary Maintenancein ...
1. SE11 is ABAP dictionary, where in you can add fields, this will be used by programer, even u can see the data as well where all this table is used in program. IN SE16 it is data brower, u can see the table data. this is used by an func consultant normally 2. I donot thi...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi ABAP Gurus, in order to pass a complex datastructure by RFC I want to create a new structure via SE11 which includes in addition to some normal fields an field which represents a table of a certain type. Therefore I created a table type and tried...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, NW ABAP Data Archiving how can i see ddic objects? ex: i cant see mara? abap Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Accepted Solutions(0) Answers(1) mustafacengizde62 Explorer ...
Please feel free to ask in case you have any doubts regarding this document. I would also be very happy if you could add your valuable points on this. ABAP Development,ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs Please do share your valuable comments and ratings. Thanks for readi...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, The field AUSP-ATINN (Internal Characteristic) appears as '000000000020021761' in SE11, while when I use the transaction SE16n I get 'Z001V2P_MATERIAL_J_001100' for the same filed. In short I get number in one and text in the other transaction. ...