The efficiency of the SE-ResNeXt-50-CNN model surpasses that of many existing models. This performance demonstrates the model's potential to improve the accuracy of LCa classification in medical imaging. Introduction Lung cancer is an existential threat to global health as a primary cause of ...
"runs/"+ "May28_10-50-56_cs231n-1se_resnext50_32x4d-bs-64-clr0.06-0.006-mom0.9-wd1e-5-cutout4-minscale0.4-rota15-cas-best-classes50-trainval" + "/model_best.pth.tar", # 0.660, PW1 "runs/" + "May28_19-19-15_cs231n-1se_resnext50_32x4d-bs-64-clr0.0006-0.00006-mom...
sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) model.set_state_dict(state_dict) def se_resnext50_32x4d(pretrained=False, num_classes=1000, input_dim=3): model = SENet(SEResNeXtBottleneck, [3, 4, 6, 3], input_dim=input_dim, groups=32, reduction=16, dropout_p=None, in_channels=64, input_3x3=False,...
"runs/" + "May23_21-11-42_cs231n-1se_resnext50_32x4d-bs-64-clr0.06-0.006-mom0.9-wd1e-5-cutout4-minscale0.4-rota15-cas" + "/model_best.pth.tar", # 0.655, PW1 "runs/" + "May24_07-07-00_cs231n-1se_resnext50_32x4d-bs-64-lr0.0006-mom0.9-wd1e-5-cutout4-minscale0.4-...
SE-ResNeXt-50-CNN: A deep learning model for lung cancer classification Applied Soft Computing Volume 171, March 2025, Page 112696 Purchase options CorporateFor R&D professionals working in corporate organizations. Academic and personalFor academic or personal use only. ...
In this paper, a gearbox fault diagnosis method grounded on improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise, a multiscale permutation entropy and adaptive wavelet thresholding (ICEEMDAN-MPE-AWT) denoising method and an SE-ResNeXt50 transfer learning model ar...
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。 ImageNet Pre-trained Weights for SE-ResNeXt50 and 101 These are converted for ChainerCV. Orignal weights are distributed at GitHub: Paper: [Jie Hu, Li Shen and Gang Sun. **Squeeze-and...
def get_se_resnext50_32x4d_model(model_class, num_classes, model_file=None, pretrained=False): model = model_class(num_classes=1000, pretrained='imagenet' if pretrained else False) model = model_class(num_classes=1000, pretrained='imagenet' if pretrained else None) num_ftrs = model....
数据介绍 文件预览 相关论文 Code 分享讨论(0) 使用声明 启动Notebook开发 数据结构 ? 7465.36M * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。 IMet SEResNeXt50-zoom-0. Zooming Augmentation. 同类数据 1731CASIA-IrisV4 1002aidatatang200zh 813ScanObjectNN 784D2-City 695AADB ...
Competition Notebook Prostate cANcer graDe Assessment (PANDA) Challenge Private Score 0.62958 Best Score 0.62958 V1 License This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license. Continue exploring Input2 files arrow_right_alt Output7 files arrow_right_alt Logs19390.9 second run ...