| 北京时间2023年7月14日17:05,印度“月船三号”月球探测器由LVM3-M4运载火箭,从萨迪什达万航天中心(SDSC-SHAR)2号工位(SLP)发射升空,点火后965秒星箭分离,将探测器送往近地点170千米、远地点36500千米、倾角21.30度的椭圆停泊轨道(EPO) 。 “月船三号”(Chandrayaan-3)由印度空间研究组织(ISRO)研制,由...
Based on the requirements preliminary discussions held with Met facility of SDSC projected by Meteorological facility of SDSC-SHAR, ISRAD designed a Wind profiler in the frequency band of 200 MHz. This proposal had taken into account the experience ISRAD garnered during the development of MST ...
Gaganyaan TV-D1 飞行任务 - 从斯里哈里科塔的萨蒂什·达万航天中心 (SDSC) SHAR进行试飞 苏-35S 52 1 18:20 【SafeGraph】A New Framework for Leveraging Spatial Data | Ash Berg | SDSC22 KartoBit 42 -- 18:30 SDSC5002_CourseProject_Meetup Staricee 132 -- 0:30 回家了我说的是SDSC上海大...
携程天气预报,为您及时准确发布中央气象台天气信息,便捷查询内洛尔Launch view gallery SDSC SHAR实时天气预报、明天天气预报、一周天气预报,提供天气现象、气温状况、实况温度、风向情况、风力等级、总降水量、相对湿度、日出/日落时间...
This will be the 72nd launch vehicle mission from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota and 36th launch from the First Launch pad," the statement by the agency added. ISRO set to launch RISAT-2B on May 22 The GSLV-F11 lifted off from the Second Launch Pad at SDSC at 04:10 pm IST, carrying 2250 ...