一、软件定义存储的定义 软件定义存储(Software-Defined Storage,简称SDS)是一种存储技术,它将存储系统的控制平面和数据平面分离,并使用软件层对存储资源进行抽象和管理。传统的存储系统通常采用专用的硬件设备,例如存储阵列和磁盘阵列,其控制和数据处理功能紧密耦合在硬件中。而SDS将这些功能抽象成软件,使得存储设备可以通...
SDS 的全称是 Software Defined Storage ,字面意思直译就是软件定义存储。关于 SDS 的定义可以参考全球网络存储工业协会(Storage Networking Industry Association,SNIA),SNIA 在 2013 正式把 软件定义存储(SDS) 列入研究对象。 SNIA 对软件定义存储(SDS) 的定义是:一种具备服务管理接口的虚拟化存储。 SDS 包括存储池化...
software defined storage (sds) is an approach to data storage in which the storage hardware is abstracted and managed by software. this allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and efficiency, as you can pool and manage storage resources from different vendors or types of hardware as a ...
SDS软件定义存储 一、软件定义存储的基本概念软件定义存储(SDS:SoftwareDefinedStorage)是指在任何存储系统上运行的应用,都能够在用户定义的策略驱动下自动工作,这将存储服务从存储系统中抽象出来。软件定义存储和虚拟化存储类似,但有区别:存储虚拟化可以将多个存储设备或阵列的容量组成一个池,使其看起来就好像在一...
IBM Storage Software Suite Manage data growth and meet the demands of your data-driven infrastructure with a complete storage software suite that is powerful, cost-effective and features AI-infused capabilities. Explore IBM Storage Software Suite ...
Software-defined storage (SDS) provides the flexible storage foundation you need for hybrid cloud, digital transformation and more SDS for Dummies eBook SDS gives you the flexibility, cost-effectiveness and agility you need to enable your data-driven, multicloud enterprise. It can perform on any ...
软件定义存储(Software-Defined Storage,简称SDS)是一种存储技术,它将存储系统的控制平面和数据平面分离,并使用软件层对存储资源进行抽象和管理。传统的存储系统通常采用专用的硬件设备,例如存储阵列和磁盘阵列,其控制和数据处理功能紧密耦合在硬件中。而SDS将这些功能抽象成软件,使得存储设备可以通过标准化的硬件实现,并在...
Software defined storage (SDS) (英文), like software defined networks, is software used to create pools of storage composed of multiple storage devices which then appears as a single unit, with the goals of adding flexibility, diversification, and enhanced functionality of the underlying storage. ...
SDS(Software-Defined Storage,软件定义存储)和SDB(可能是指某种特定的存储设备或解决方案,但在标准术语中没有明确的定义,可能是某个特定厂商或产品的缩写)在Linux环境中的应用涉及到存储技术的多个方面。以下是对这些概念的基础解释,以及它们在Linux环境中的优势、类型、应用场景和相关问题的解答。