利用SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)结合凝胶成像来分析测定火腿肠中大豆分离蛋白的含量.试验得出电泳分离肉制品中大豆分离蛋白的优化条件为:浓缩胶为5%,分离胶为12%,上样量为20μL,初始电压为80 V,进入分离胶层后电压100 V.大豆蛋白含量在0-6%范围内与其酸性A3亚基线性相关,回归方程为y=2.760 9X-0.383 ...
Remember to avoid common mistakes that may occur such as underloading or overloading of proteins. This can be avoided by considering the amount of protein available using protein assay. Loading less protein may lead to poor detection of the bands while on the other hand overloading the protein...
SDS-PAGE异常电泳现象及分析SDS-PAGE Hall of Shame 2006-4 raimi编辑整理於 DICP SDS-PAGE "Hall of Shame"You may very well have prepared a nearly perfect gel, and would have a difficult time improving upon the product. If that is so, then by all means gloat about it! If you didn't ...
The intensity of the bands is proportional to the amount ofprotein present in the sample. By comparing the protein bands with molecular weight standards, the molecular weight of the unknown proteins can be determined. SDS-PAGE is a versatile technique that can be used for a variety of ...
2006-4 raimi 编辑整理 於 DICP 原始网址 http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~bioslabs/studies/sds-page/sdsgoofs.html 11 Multiple symptoms – example 3 Uneven loading (different amounts in adjacent wells) has caused some compression in the standards lane. There are tears in the gel and discoloration ...
SDS-PAGE Gel Electrophoresis Protocol Prepare or purchase a pre-made gel of appropriate polyacrylamide percentage to best resolve your protein of interest based on molecular weight. 2. Load samples containing equal amounts of protein (10-50 µg protein from cell lysate or 10-100ng purified prot...
阿拉丁生产的双色SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液(1X, 无气味) (Dual Color SDS-PAGE Protein Sample Loading Buffer, 1X, Odorless),是一种经过改良的更加安全健康的无气味的使用蓝色和红色染料的蛋白上样缓冲液。 本产品更加安全健康。本产品使用了无异味、水溶性更稳定、还原能力相近的还原剂替代了有气味的二硫苏糖...
small amount of excess to sit on the bottom to make sure it seals O.K.While this is going on, degas (for 10 minutes) the remaining quantity of unpolymerized resolving gel.For the minigel, attach the glass plate assembly to the apparatus and place the whole gimisch in a small, flat ...
CrossCross-linkedpolyacrylamidegelsareformedfromthepolymerisationofacrylamidemonomerinthepresenceofsmalleramountsofN,N’N,N’methylenebisacrylamide(bis(bisacrylamide)Bisacrylamideisthemostfrequentlyusedcrosslinkingagentforpolyacrylamidegels Temed Sideview MovementofProteinsinGel MovementofProteinsinGel smallerproteinswillmove...
The resolved bands in the membrane protein lanes (4 and 7) appear to consist of similar amounts of protein, however in lane 4 the capacity of the gel for at least some of the membrane proteins was exceeded, resulting in a dark smear. ...