ADSB# Plugin (Missing) Runs theADSB#ADS-B decoding program as a plugin in SDRSharp. The main advantage to using this plugin is that you get to visually see the waterfall whilst decoding. It also adds a 1-bit CRC error check. Download from the files section of this Yahoo group. (You ...
To admin… I have a Windows 7 PC acting as a spyserver with a cheap $10 dongle. Connecting to this dongle from a client PC is 100% working When I add a *** second *** dongle to the host PC, I cannot connect to it. I understand the serial_device setting in the spyserver.confi...
Windows XP Windows 7 Windows 8.1 Installation Run the installer and point it to an installation of SDRSharp, this will copy the necessary files and register the plugin. Testing Start SDRSharp and check the plugin control panel is shown on the left side of the main window and 'Network' is ...
RTL SDR sharp for windows 32bit. 上传者:weixin_42667269时间:2021-09-29 ssm服装定制系统 LW Java项目基于ssm框架的课程设计,包含LW+ppt 上传者:fq1986614时间:2025-03-27 FX3U PLC控制器硬件与嵌入式开发详解:STM32F103VCT6为核心的工业控制解决方案 ...
如果WindowsXP或Windows7出现MDAC相关的错误,可以尝试使用此工具进行修复.适用于WindowsXP或Windows7因MDAC出现数据连接错误的的情况。 上传者:softvery时间:2018-10-24 Brother兄弟2140打印机驱动程序V4.0.2版forwinXP 如果你的打印机型号为兄弟hl 2140且不能正常打印的话可以下载本款兄弟2140打印机驱动来解决你的困扰...