jklnz/SDRSharpPlugins Star7 Code Issues Pull requests Plugins for SDRSharp mitsdrsharp UpdatedJan 27, 2021 C# Fruchtgummi/SDRSharp.MidiControl Star5 Plugin for SDRSharp pluginsdrsdrsharplimasdr UpdatedApr 4, 2017 C# Discord RPC for SDR#. Dead. Free to create issues ...
插件的开启和关闭请自行用记事本编辑目录下的“Plugins.xml”文件,方法已在文件中注释并有实例,照葫芦画瓢即可。 官方在v1361版本后取消了对Extio库的支持,目前在较新的版本里只有v1716和v1732版本可以通过修改源程序,利用源程序的BUG实现对Extio库的支持(在来源里选择ExtIO),当然也支持RSP系列SDR的官方Extio库,RS...
There are a number of SDRSharp plugins that extend its functionality. Here is a collection of all the plugins and download links that I could find. With modern SDR# installing a plugin is usually a simple matter of copying the plugin files to a subfolder within the SDR# Plugins folder. S...
SDRSharpPlugins This contains a crude plugin for SDRSharp that automatically starts the radio five seconds after launching SDRSharp. Mainly useful for decoding setups (e.g. to auto start after a computer shutdown). Key to add to your plugin file: <add key="Auto Start Radio" value="SDRSha...
第五步:根目录找到SDRSharp.exe.Config文件用记事本打开编辑,然后再里面找<sharpPlugins> ** *** **</sharpPlugins>然后在</sharpPlugins>的前面加入 <add key="DDE Tracking Client" value="SDRSharp.DDETracker.DdeTrackingPlugin,SDRSharp.DDETracker" /> 如果...
There are a number of SDRSharp plugins that extend its functionality. Here is a collection of all the plugins and download links that I could find. With modern SDR# installing a plugin is usually a simple matter of copying the plugin files to a subfolder within the SDR# Plugins folder. ...
这个是sdrsharp的插件, 需要配合17xx版本sdrsharp使用, 可以在我的上传中找到. 安装比较简单 吧dll文件复制到sdr#目录下直接复制MagicLine.txt文件里面的那一行到plugins.xml文件. 还有一个是独立的程序,我稍后上传. 另外, 如果需要支持sdrplay rsp1 还需要下载我上传的
截屏 安装 将发行版zip中的'SdrSharpPocsagPlugin'文件夹解压缩到SDR#'Plugins'目录中。 从源代码构建 使用Visual Studio 2019,可以将调试输出文件夹放入SDR#``插件''目录中。 用法 如果插件已成功加载,则应该有一个选项可以在主菜单中显示它。 具有12kHz带宽的NFM似乎工作可靠,输入直接来自解调器,因此音频过滤/静...
This one comes loaded with all the plugins one would need. As for why sdrplay does not create plugins im not quite sure what plugins you would expect a company who produces hardware to create besides the extio file that interfaces the hardware to the software. ...