一、引言 最近,我把自己的英国原装正版SDRPLAY品牌的RSP1A接收机卖掉了。在使用快三年之后,我决定进一步升级为同品牌的RSPDX接收机。之所以要更新换代,一方面在于RSPDX在2MHz以下的接收效果明显好于RSP1A,另一方面在于它有三个外接天线插口,比RSP1A多了两个。老朋友们都知道,近几年我一直在玩儿天线,做了大量...
装备升级,英国原装正版RSPdx接收机到手,开箱试用 #SDR接收机 #RSPdx #SDRPLAY - 收音机评论译介于20240128发布在抖音,已经收获了25.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
SDRplay RSPdx是一款单调谐器宽带全功能14位SDR,它覆盖了从1kHz到2GHz的整个RF频谱,从而提供了高达10MHz的频谱可见性。它包含三个天线端口,其中两个使用SMA连接器并在1 kHz至2 GHz的整个频率范围内工作,第三个使用BNC连接器,其工作频率高达200MHz。 RSPdx还具有24 MHz的“即插即用”参考时钟输入,使该单元可以与...
SDRplay RSPdx是一款单调谐器宽带全功能14位SDR,它覆盖了从1kHz到2GHz的整个RF频谱,从而提供了高达10MHz的频谱可见性。它包含三个天线端口,其中两个使用SMA连接器并在1 kHz至2 GHz的整个频率范围内工作,第三个使用BNC连接器,其工作频率高达200MHz。
南半球晚上听短波收到..南半球晚上听短波收到的台挺多,sdrplay rspdx 小环天线 Sdruno ,大部分可以清晰收听
In this video I am using the newest model of SDR receiver from SDRplay (RSPdx model), and the antenna is home-made active mini-whip antenna with two transistors, mounted on a 6-meter high telescopic plastic mast. The software is SDRuno from the same company, which together with the afore...
SDRplay Updates: RSPdx Now Supported by SDR Console V3, RSPdx EXTIO Released SDRplay Release the RSPdx: Replaces the RSP2/pro, Filtering & Intermod Improvements, 1kHz to 2 MHz HDR Mode Black Friday Sales on Airspy and SDRplay Products...
The SDRplay RSPdx is a single-tuner wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which covers the entire RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz giving up to 10MHz of spectrum visibility. It contains three antenna ports, two of which use SMA connectors and operate across the full 1 kHz to 2 GHz range and ...
New SDRply Raspberry Pi image supports the RSPdx and RDPduo Leave a reply (Source:SDRplay) SDRplay has released a new downloadable Raspberry Pi SD card image which adds support for the RSPdx and simultaneous use of both the tuners in the RSPduo. ...