SDRSingle Data Rate(semiconductors/memory/RAM) SDRSustainable Development Report(various companies) SDRSveriges Dövas Riksförbund(Swedish: Swedish Association of the Deaf) SDRSwap Data Repository(finance) SDRSara Delano Roosevelt SDRSoftware Defined Radar ...
SignalSource.if_gain=30 SignalSource.AGC_enabled=false SignalSource.samples=0 SignalSource.enable_throttle_control=false SignalSource.address= SignalSource.port=1234 SignalSource.swap_iq=false SignalSource.repeat=false SignalSource.dump=false SignalSource.dump_filename=../data/signal_source....
In case you do not want to use PyBOMBS and prefer to build and install GNSS-SDR step by step (i.e., cloning the repository and doing the usualcmake .. && make && make installdance), Armadillo, GFlags, Glog, GnuTLS, and Matio can be installed either by using PyBOMBS: $ pybombs ins...
that Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants must report off-facility swaps to a registered Swap Data Repository ("SDR.") On 19 December 2012, CFTC staff granted conditional No-Action Relief (12-59) (the "No-Action Relief") for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants that are Clearing Mem...
The article reports that clearing services company CME Group is urging the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to approve proposed rule 1001 that would require all swaps cleared by CME be reported to CME's swap data repository (SDR). The Depostory Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) ...
Install Protocol Buffers, a portable mechanism for serialization of structured data Install Pugixml, a light-weight C++ XML processing library Download GoogleTest Clone GNSS-SDR's Git repository Build and install GNSS-SDR Build OSMOSDR support (OPTIONAL) ...
SignalSource.if_gain=30 SignalSource.AGC_enabled=false SignalSource.samples=0 SignalSource.enable_throttle_control=false SignalSource.address= SignalSource.port=1234 SignalSource.swap_iq=false SignalSource.repeat=false SignalSource.dump=false SignalSource.dump_filename=../data/signal_source....
Finally, you are ready to clone the GNSS-SDR repository, configure and build the software: $ git clone $ cd gnss-sdr/build $ cmake .. $ make This will create three executables at gnss-sdr/install, namelygnss-sdr,run_testsandvolk_gnsssdr_profile....
sed -i 's/.*swap.*/#&/' /etc/fstab setenforce 0 sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/configcat > kubernetes.conf << EOF net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables=1 net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 ...
SBSDR: The SEC Version of a Swap Data RepositoryTod Skarecky