昨天,HDSDR发布了最新的一次更新,我们正好借着这个机会来了解一下这款软件。 HDSDR的界面要比SDRSharp更加华丽一些,同时更多能够调整的参数也使得它的可玩性要稍高一些。比起SDRSharp的很多功能,HDSDR的各种插件调节的效果非常迅速灵敏,而且个人认为,它对于屏幕显示的利用上来说要强于SDRSharp。不光是接收,对于一些设...
SDR applications, in general, have become so much easier to install over the years but I believe SDR Sharp may be the quickest install I’ve ever experienced. About as easy and lightweight as the WinRadio Excalibur application. True plug and play! I’ve had no time to properly evaluate p...
LimeSDR公司荣誉出品- 开源SDR集成软件”PothosSDR”-内置“gqrx”(包括windows版本),GNU radio以及CubicSDR。 请从这个网址下载最新版的windows安装包。 https://downloads.myriadrf.org/builds/PothosSDR/ 或者从以下链接下载: https://downl... ADALM PLUTO FM解调测试 ...
乐鑫 RTL-SDR 和 SDR-Sharp 和 CubicSDR 入门指南说明书 Getting Started with RTL-SDR and SDR- Sharp and CubicSDR Created by lady ada https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-rtl-sdr-and-sdr-sharp Last updated on 2023-08-29 02:32:35 PM EDT ©Adafruit Industries Page 1 of 22 ...
8/16/2012 1 A USER’S GUIDE TO SDR# (SDRSHARP) SDR# (aka “SDRSharp”) is an easy-to-use yet small and fast Software Defined Radio application for Windows created by Youssef Touil with collaborative assistance from other talented software engineers. SDR# is written in C#, a modern...
This folder contains only one file, sdrsharp.exe.config. Move or copy this file into the parent folder, overwriting the existing file. Next you will have to download the following zip; http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/attachment/wiki/rtl-sdr/RelWithDebInfo.zip. The only file you will need ...
This plugin will work with HDSDR, SDR sharp (releases 1361 or earlier) and Studio 1. Automatic I/Q compensation and DC offset correction will work with later versions of SDR sharp, but we will need to update the native plugin for users of these later versions to be access the new gain ...
Tutorial – Decoding Digital Voice using SDRSharp, DSD and RTL-SDR (For Windows) It is assumed you have an RTL-SDR dongle set up and working with SDRSharp. If not, see the Buy RTL-SDR, and Quickstart pages first before attempting this tutorial. There are two different version of DSD th...
SDR软件sdrsharp 上传者:buhu0532时间:2021-04-27 RTL8153 RTL8152(windows+ linux)驱动.zip RTL8153 RTL8152(windows+ linux)驱动, 包含windows7 windows8 windows10 xp linux下的驱动文件 上传者:guoruibin123时间:2021-07-09 sdrsharp.zip 软件无线电,sdrsharp,Waterfall(瀑布图)AmDetector CwDetector DsbDet...
4. 如果你是win7 或者win8 ,需要先关闭系统自动安装驱动的功能后,(具体方法请百度一 下)插入您的RTL.SDR+UpConverter ,如果win7 系统已经自动安装了驱动请先卸载系统自 动安装的驱动。 5. 打开新创建的文件夹sdrsharp 。找到该文件zadig.ex 。右键单击该文件,如果使用Windows Vista / 7/8 选择“ 以管理员...