Includes 1x RTL-SDR Blog brand R828D RTL2832U 1PPM TCXO SMA V4 Dongle. The best value RTL-SDR on the market! Several improvements over generic brands including use of the R828D tuner, triplexed input filter, notch filter, improved component tolerances, a 1 PPM temperature compensated oscilla...
Macintosh Mac OS X RTL Dongle SDR Server This app makes an RTL SDR dongle appear as a networked SDR, following the RF Space protocol. It works with SDR apps such asSdrDx. It also acts like rtl_tcp, so it can be used with Cocoa1090 and similar apps. You can download a copy from t...
raspberry-pidaemonreceivermeterrtl-sdrmbuswireless-mbuswmbusutility-metersim871awireless-mbus-protocolwmbus-dongleamb8465rtlsdr-dongleiu891a UpdatedFeb 9, 2025 C++ Open source, multi-user SDR receiver software with a web interface html5waterfallsdrrtl-sdrsoftware-defined-radio ...
rtl-sdr dongle 工作原理 RTL-SDR是一个非常流行的低成本软件定义无线电(SDR)解决方案。 它使用广泛使用的Realtek RTL2832U DVB-T接收器芯片,它旨在接收电视信号。 然而,此芯片可以通过提供给其I / Q样本流进行重新调制和解调来用于广泛的无线电应用。 它是类似于软件无线电的概念,但需要外部硬件,并通常比专用...
aviation android-application android-device dvb ads-b otg-cable rtl-sdr-dongle Updated Apr 17, 2018 Java mcore1976 / urh-arduino-cloning-keys Star 29 Code Issues Pull requests this is example of cloning my garage keys with Arduino Digispark and FS1000A transmitter. The keys sequences wer...
RTL-特别提款机能够接收频率范围为52-2200MHz.我很清楚,通过NTP或通过NMEA 0183通过GPS调制解调器获得时间会容易得多,但我很好奇,只是想玩一下。精确并不重要。+/- 2秒就行了。我想做的是SDR- way,所以使用dongle最初的方式(作为使用原始软件的DVB-T接收器)就违背了目的(即学习和DIY)。
This week we saw both a superb Pi Pico-based logic analyzer and yet another software frontend for the RTL-SDR dongle, and they both had us thinking of how good we have it. If you don’t already have a logic analyzer, or if you have one of those super-cheap 8-channel jobbies, it...
This is the Spanish translation of the SDR# Big Book by Miguel Iborra (EA4BAS). Download SPY Server – SDR Server for Windows Airspy R0, R2, Mini, Airspy HF+, RTL-SDRandAORradios can be used as a high performance SDR receiver capable of streaming separate chunks of the spectrum to mul...
Another project using RTL dongle was to make two 6 element yagis for satcom 240mhz to 300mhz. Each is designed for around 261mhz. Set up one yagi to 250.550 carrier to the best signal direction. Now set up the other for best signal at 250.650mhz.(Both mounted at ground level for best...
RTL-SDR has just launched the RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongle for software-defined radio (SDR) enthusiasts based on the Rafael R828D tuner chip with three