也就是说,USRP对GNU Radio的支持是最好的。Ettus还发布了一个免费的Linux镜像,它包含了GNU Radio以及其他一些工具软件,可以以最快的速度搭建出一个GNU Radio的开发环境。虽然这个镜像目前只有UHD,但是把gr-osmosdr添加进去也应该很容易。 HackRF比USRP的历史要短得多,才刚开始开发一套代码(Alin:开发环境驱动什么的...
也就是说,USRP对GNU Radio的支持是最好的。Ettus还发布了一个免费的Linux镜像,它包含了GNU Radio以及其他一些工具软件,可以以最快的速度搭建出一个GNU Radio的开发环境。虽然这个镜像目前只有UHD,但是把gr-osmosdr添加进去也应该很容易。 HackRF比USRP的历史要短得多,才刚开始开发一套代码(Alin:开发环境驱动什么的...
HackRF和bladeRF在GNU Radio中的驱动,放在gr-osmosdr项目中,与RTL-SDR dongle的驱动包一样。bladeRF的驱动是前几个星期添加进去的(Alin:作者的写作时间是2013年8月),因此如果你要用的话,请及时更新代码。HackRF的驱动已经发布有一段时间了。而对于USRP,gr-uhd原本就是GNU Radio的一部分,需要安装UHD驱动库,UHD驱...
Opensource Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform, providing source code Larger FPGA xilinx zyng-7000 XC72020,ad9361/ad9363 compatible. open project supported: openwifi, srsRAN, open5G-PHY, spectrum analyser etc. Opensource firmware supported: ADALM-PLUTO , zedboard+fmccommsRelated...
Radio Direction Finding with the KrakenSDR | Radio Direction Finding Series Written by admin 1 Comment Posted in KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR Tagged with ATIS, krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u July 26, 2024 KrakenSDR: Kraken Pro Cloud Mapper and Other Updates This pos...
It depends on my GNU Radio DSD block, which can be downloaded at https://github.com/argilo/gr-dsd.To use it, set the frequency correction slider to the correct value to match your dongle's crystal. If necessary, set the gain slider to an appropriate value to prevent clipping....
GNSS-SDR, an open-source software-defined GNSS receiver c-plus-plussignal-processinggpsgalileosdrrtl-sdrglonassgnssgnuradiosoftware-defined-radiognss-sdr UpdatedNov 29, 2024 C++ ainfosec/FISSURE Star1.6k The RF and reverse engineering framework for everyone. Follow and ★ to show your support!
Gqrx is distributed as a source code package and binaries for Linux and Mac. Many Linux distributions provide gqrx in their package repositories. Alternate Mac support is available throughMacPortsandHomebrew. Windows support is available throughradioconda. ...
It has been developed with open-source codebase, multi-user access and easy setup in mind, to be an alternative to other similar projects (WebSDR, ShinySDR, WebRadio, etc.) It supports cheap RTL2832U based tuners. Basically OpenWebRX is an on-line communications receiver for analog ...
SDR- Software Define Radio 即软件定义无线电,从20世纪90年代初开始,软件无线电(SoftwareRadio)的概念开始广泛流行起来。由于其强大的灵活性和开放性迅速受到国内外的关注。 SDR软件定义无线电可将基站信号处理功能尽量通过软件来实现,使用通用硬件平台可快速地实现信号的调制解调,编码运算,SDR为现有通信系统建设提供了全...