小白发问,windows的SDR模式下,显卡输出10bit到底有用没?我用ps看烧屏网的10bit图,必须hdr+10bit才能丝滑过度,sdr+10bit就没啥区别还是有断层。有什么办法能让10bit图片在SDR模式下正常显示10bit色深呢? 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-10-24 13:19回复 ...
(2)下载并安装LimeSDR USB driver,https://wiki.myriadrf.org/Lime_Suite#USB_driver (3)下载并安装PothoSDR development environment,http://downloads.myriadrf.org/builds/PothosSDR/?C=M;O=D,安装时注意勾选Add PothosSDR to the system PATH for all user。 三、Windows测试LimeSDR (1)双击桌面Lime Suit...
A user-defined trajectory can be specified in either a CSV file, which contains the Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) user positions, or an NMEA GGA stream. The sampling rate of the user motion has to be 10Hz. The user is also able to assign a static location directly through the comma...
首先要设置的调整之一是 HDR/SDR 亮度平衡。如果您在桌面上右键单击鼠标按钮,然后左键单击“显示设置”,您将打开与显示器相关的设置。使用 HDR 切换开关上方是一个名为“Windows HD 颜色设置”的超链接。如果单击它,您将看到有关 HDR 的更多高级设置。从这里,您可以选择是否希望在流式传输视频时使用 HDR 以及...
Windows Linux Debian-based (Ubuntu, Mint, etc) Arch-based Other MacOS BSD Building on Windows Install dependencies Building using the command line Running for development Create a new configuration root directory Run SDR++ from the command line Installing SDR++ Building on Linux / BSD Select which...
HackRF for Windows https://www.douban.com/note/765481410/ gps-sdr-sim & hackrf 日志 https://www.douban.com/note/572829951/ https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1F54y1R7Y1 === 2、开始正式的安装参考 说是已经过期了,我之前装过啊,好吧 是免费的 但是...
Install UHD driver for Windows Install uhd_003.005.003-release_Win64.exe from: http://code.ettus.com/redmine/ettus/projects/uhd/wiki/UHD_Windows This will place utility file in C:\Program Files (x86)\UHD\share\uhd\utils\ Install ExtIO compatible UHD for USRP ...
How to Calibrate Your Monitor in Windows 10. This is to adjust the gamma and brightness for the whole Windows UI (user interface). NoteThegamma correctionandHDR to SDRtools included with Windows* are developed and maintained by Microsoft. Only Microsoft can actually correct any issue with these...
Windows – 10, 11 and later – 64-bit only. Note SDRconnect will NOT run on anything earlier than Windows 10, so please don’t ask for Windows 8/7/XP etc. It is not possible to compile for these older operating systems with the tools used for the development of SDRconnect. ...
OBS - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording - win-capture: Show Force SDR setting on Windows 10 · stream-labs/obs-studio@7d81905