To install the plugin simply copy the dll's from the zip file into the SDR# folder, then copy the line from the magline.txt text file into the plugins.xml file which can be opened with any text editor. Simple DMR Decoder Plugin for SDR#...
Language:All Sort:Most stars SDR Rx/Tx software for Airspy, Airspy HF+, BladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay and FunCube receiversdrrtl-sdrhackrftransmitterysfairspyfuncube-dongled-stardmrsdrplaybladerflimesdrdpmrplutosdrairspyhffuncube ...
SDR Rx/Tx software for Airspy, Airspy HF+, BladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay and FunCube receiversdrrtl-sdrhackrftransmitterysfairspyfuncube-dongled-stardmrsdrplaybladerflimesdrdpmrplutosdrairspyhffuncube UpdatedFeb 10, 2025 ...
This is thedemoddsdplugin. At present it can be used to decode the following digital speech formats: DMR/MOTOTRBO dPMR D-Star Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) NXDN It is based on theDSDccC++ library which is a rewrite of the originalDSDprogram. So you will need to have DSDcc installed in yo...
A simple DMR decoder plugin. No external dependencies, no settings, uses SDR# audio path. Designed for listening to unencrypted DMR channels.Mixes voice from both slots into one channel. Download Here(Original website now dead) Download Here ( Mirror) ...
805 0 05:40 App 【海外】SDRPLAY SDRUno ADSB Plugin - Tracking Aircraft Easy 1.3万 3 06:01 App 【自制】4款SDR评测(上)RTL-SDR、HackRF、SDRPlay rsp1和SDRPlay rsp1a 1536 0 25:16 App 【海外】节俭无线电07-使用DSDPlus和RTL-SDR解码DMR和NXDN数字集群 2610 0 29:38 App 【海外】SDRuno新...
decode unencrypted digital voice transmissions such as P25/DMR/D-STAR. track maritime boat positions like a radar with AIS decoding. track and receive weather balloon data connect to VHF amateur radio decode APRS packets receive and decode GPS signals ...
Colours(R)RedType(exceptDMR-H80EE,H81,H90) CONTENTS PagePage 1SafetyPrecaution39.2.ServicePositions34 1.1.GeneralGuidelines39.3.LocationforConnectorsoftheMainP.C.B.andSub 2Warning4P.C.B.36 2.1.PreventionofElectrostaticDischarge(ESD)to9.4.ElectricalAdjustmentProcedures38 ...
Back in Marchwe postedabout the release of OpenEar, a standalone TETRA decoder for the RTL-SDR. Since then OpenEar has undergone massive developments, not only improving upon the TETRA decoder, but adding DMR, ADS-B and POCSAG decoders as well as a waterfall display. ...
Simple DMR A simple DMR decoder plugin. No external dependencies, no settings, uses SDR# audio path. Designed for listening to unencrypted DMR channels.Mixes voice from both slots into one channel. Download Here(Original website now dead) ...