Simon Brown has released his latest version of SDR Console V3 which supports the RSPdx (Version 3.0.18 dated January 1st) over on (make sure you download the latest API 3.x from our downloads page first) We have released an EXTIO plugin for the RSPdx which...
Simon Brown, SDR-Console author has released a new beta version of SDR Console V3 which supports remote access for the entire RSP family including the newer RSP1A. Go to his website and follow the instructions to make your RSP accessible remotely (either to the public or just for your own...
Gentlemen, I am not positive but I think that SDR Console V3 was written for SDRPlay. You both seem to be using SDR sticks. That "may" be the reason for your woes. Version 3 is a good looking version, BUT it is not finished yet and does have a few bugs yet. Stay tuned, as th...
The optional-cargument is for keeping the console active in order to see the error messages. Because all the paths are relative, for the rest of the command line instructions we are going to assume you are running from the top directory using the former command. As mentioned previously you ...
PPP_Kinematic PVT.iono_model=Broadcast ; options: OFF, Broadcast PVT.trop_model=Saastamoinen ; options: OFF, Saastamoinen PVT.rinex_version=2 ; options: 2 or 3 PVT.output_rate_ms=100 ; Period in [ms] between two PVT outputs PVT.display_rate_ms=500 ; Position console print (std::out)...
has uploaded a set of videos that show how to install and get started with an RTL-SDR or HackRF with SDR-Console V3. The video series starts from the very beginning with installing the drivers via zadig, and then goes on to show how to download, install and use SDR-Console V3....
SDR- Console #1 RSP 1 & 2 with SDR Console v3 Getting started with SDR-Console v3 using the RSP 1 & 2. See also this excellent 3rd party video: How to access and set up a remote SDR using SDR Colsole V3 ...
The optional -c argument is for keeping the console active in order to see the error messages. Because all the paths are relative, for the rest of the command line instructions we are going to assume you are running from the top directory using the former command. As mentioned previously yo...
The optional-cargument is for keeping the console active in order to see the error messages. Because all the paths are relative, for the rest of the command line instructions we are going to assume you are running from the top directory using the former command. As mentioned previously you ...
Updated and cleaner console output. Now Galileo satellites have the ‘E’ identifier in their PRN number. Several improvements in CMake scripts allow to build GNSS-SDR in Linux Debian (Jessie, Stretch and Sid), Ubuntu (from 12.04 to 16.04), including amd64, i386, armhf and arm64 architectur...