SDR Radio(SDR Console) V3.3B3236 20240205 正式版汉化第二版官方20240205更新3.3正式版,跟进汉化,自行体验,不喜勿喷,网盘自取!!下载地址看我其他相关视频简介或评论!!祝大家龙年大吉!!, 视频播放量 3684、弹幕量 0、点赞数 93、投硬币枚数 64、收藏人数 87、转
We’ve also discovered that Joanne has been working on RTLSDR++, which is a driver upgrade that includes some pretty interesting enhancements. When running Joanne’s drivers in SDR-Console we also see options to change the IF filter bandwidths of the R820T2 tuner. This is very useful as t...
如果要接收解码U段的DMR信号,用哪种设备? zjg3055 如果要接收解码U段的DMR信号,用哪种设备? digitalarch 1-16 2 这sdr软件无线电的板子,发射功率这么低。 依i山 这软件无线电的板子发射功率这么低。有什么办法增强发射功率呢?最大能够增加到多大? Solidigm 1-16 6 这个怎么样啊 80后老男......
如果要接收解码U段的DMR信号,用哪种设备? zjg3055 如果要接收解码U段的DMR信号,用哪种设备? digitalarch 1-16 2 这sdr软件无线电的板子,发射功率这么低。 依i山 这软件无线电的板子发射功率这么低。有什么办法增强发射功率呢?最大能够增加到多大? Solidigm 1-16 6 这个怎么样啊 80后老男......
SDR Radio(SDR Console) V3.3B3236 20240205 正式版汉化第二版 1442 0 00:20 App SDR#使用虚拟音频管道解码DRM数字广播 747 0 01:19 App MMDVM-DMR-SDR# 1035 0 01:18 App RX888短波大带宽同时接收多个频点展示 1868 0 00:29 App SDR#使用RX888接收MW广播效果 7259 0 02:12 App SDRPlay SDRUno 1.42...
Audio VOICEMEETER (Virtual Mixing Console) I want to scan numerique: Apco-25, Edacs, Trunking P25, Seram P25, Renir, ProVoice If you need to see my setup: 0 Reply Kevin 10 years ago Great blog .fantastic. May I ask a quick question on dsd please ?
如果要接收解码U段的DMR信号,用哪种设备? zjg3055 如果要接收解码U段的DMR信号,用哪种设备? digitalarch 1-16 2 这sdr软件无线电的板子,发射功率这么低。 依i山 这软件无线电的板子发射功率这么低。有什么办法增强发射功率呢?最大能够增加到多大? Solidigm 1-16 6...
The optional -c argument is for keeping the console active in order to see the error messages. Because all the paths are relative, for the rest of the command line instructions we are going to assume you are running from the top directory using the former command. As mentioned previously yo...
DMR/MOTOTRBO dPMR D-Star Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) NXDN It is based on theDSDccC++ library which is a rewrite of the originalDSDprogram. So you will need to have DSDcc installed in your system. Please follow instructions inDSDcc readmeto build and install DSDcc. ...
SDR-Console-V3已包含ExtIO“airspyhf.dll”。使用HDSDR,必须从网站下载ExtIO“airspyhf.dll”并将其复制到程序文件夹中。 静止状态中的接收测试 两个设备都使用其标准程序进行了测试。HF + Discovery和Winradio G33DDC通过天线分配器Elad ASA-15与Elad ASA-62连接,允许在天线之间进行选择。使用有源偶极大同AD-370...