e23072#Background:As cancer patients are overburdened by disease, treatment, access to care, and other demographic factors, the obstacles become increasingly significant with SDOH. Patients hospitalized in the United States in 2017 for the treatment of prostate (PC), breast (BC), and lung (LC)...
Medical transportation is a keysocial determinant of health (SDOH)that has a trickle-down impact on other SDOH. When people do not have access to reliable transportation, they might not access care, miss important follow-up appointments or decline to fill or pick up prescriptions f...
we know that simply identifying social barriers to care is not enough. Within the designated “source of truth” that is most responsible for driving patient engagement, whether that is an EHR, CRM, or other platform, we need to build — ...
In a recentepisodeof Healthcare Strategies, LeChauncy Woodard, MD, director of Humana Integrated Health System Sciences Institute and professor at the University of Houston, stressed that healthcare training face challenges in addressingaccess to care, home healthcare, telehealth,social determ...
Larry, a recovering addict, shared how his addictions impacted the care he received. He found that, even in the medical community, judgement about his illness prevented him from getting access to care and he experienced a lack of compassion in the care he was able to receive, even for il...
As the largest provider of health plan services to the Medicare Advantage population, Humana helps millions of vulnerable individuals get access to healthcare. In recognition of the key role Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) play in successfully treating health conditions, Humana has launched the ...
- access to healthcare + primary care - health literacy Neighborhood/Built environment - access to healthy foods - housing quality - environment - crime/violence Social + Community context - social cohesion/civic participation - Discrimination
(eg, education, economic stability, social and community context, neighborhood, and health care access). In order to address all of these interconnected challenges, Green urged attendees to move beyond a linear way of thinking and into systems-based thinking, which can help to show how ...
Healthcare providers will have access to the most complete view of an individual's social care history and current status, the company said. "We have built a strong relationship of trust with Pennsylvanians and are excited to work with our new partners to help more residents in need," said ...
For the data to be easily accessed, we need interoperability. For the data to be easily followed, we need standardization. “Standards-based inoperable technology should account for components outside of traditional healthcare, i.e., stable housing, access to healthy food, and reliable transportati...