SDNET2018 is an annotated image dataset for training, validation, and benchmarking of artificial intelligence based crack detection algorithms for concrete. SDNET2018 contains over 56,000 images of cracked and non-cracked concrete bridge decks, walls, and pavements. The dataset includes cracks as narr...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from SDNET2018
关于公布“2018年度上海市优秀住宅工程设计项目评选结果”的通知 各有关单位: 2018年度上海市优秀住宅工程设计项目评选,经专家评审,评委会审定,上网公示等阶段,现已结束。共评出获奖项目84项,其中:优秀住宅工程设计一等奖20项、二等奖20项、三等奖44项。现予以公布。 请各获奖单位对获奖项目作出主要贡献的人员予以适当...