OFAC list search from your browser No downloading - just log in and start screening. Compliance with OFAC and many other lists We continually monitor OFAC SDN and many other important watch lists. Check names in a spreadsheet Upload and scan your spreadsheets. Results will be emailed to you. ...
Free OFAC Search Anywhere. Achieve OFAC Compliance. Welcome to Instant OFAC, a project dedicated to making a FREE advanced search algorithm available to everyone, not just large corporations. Now you can search the OFAC SDN list without the need of expensive compliance software. ...
Search OFAC SDN and other lists instantly Highly accurate search results show all pertinent details Bulk Checking Check all the names in a spreadsheet Fast scanning + detailed results emailed to you Quick Answers: How Does Our Service Work?
一、SDN List释义 SDN List是由美国财政部海外资产管理办公室(下称OFAC)维护的名单。 名单中的人员被称为特别指定国民(下称SDN),即根据OFAC管理的各种制裁计划,财产和财产权益被冻结的个人和实体。SDN可以是幌子公司或被确定为被目标国家或组织所有或控制或代表其行事的个人,也可以是被识别的特定的个人,例如恐怖分...
list in the first place. In addition, OFAC is under no mandated timeline to process the reconsideration, and I personally have worked on cases where the reconsideration has been pending for nearly eight years. Finally, OFAC will also turn over very little, if any evidence, serving as the ...
OFAC provides an SDN list search engine. By adding precise criteria, such as searching by country or particular sanction, users can limit their results. Codes that describe why a person or organization has been added to the list are included with the names retrieved by a search: "BPI-PA" ...
下列实体被列入OFAC 的SDN List: 阻止帝国主义全球资讯机构(又名:STOP-IMPERIALISM);地址:俄罗斯,莫斯科; 网站:www.stop-imperialism.com;成立时间:2014年10月29日 [涉俄行政命令14024]。 「8月12日」如何应对美国涉疆法案?中美合规专家联袂解读|「合规三人行」 ...
How much are the fines for violating OFAC sanctions or dealing with entities on the SDN list? Depending on the OFAC program—or the severity of an OFAC compliance violation—criminal penalties can include fines ranging from $50,000 to $10,000,000, and imprisonment ranging from 10 to 30 year...
a金皇大酒店 Golden emperor hotel[translate] aThe RBS Group only restricts business with persons and entities included on the OFAC SDN list RBS集体仅仅制约事务与在OFAC SDN名单和个体包括的人[translate]
美国财政部控制办公室(简称OFAC)长期公布并更新___(简称SDN List),并禁止美国境内任何机构与名单所列国家和个人进行交易往来,一旦发现,将会责以严厉处罚。A.特别指定国民名单B.重点洗钱关注对象C.综合制裁名单D.行业制裁指定名单的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照