SDN百分之五十规则(SDN 50 rule)是指在SDN网络中,控制平面需要占据网络资源的50以实现网络的优化与管理。 为了更好地理解SDN百分之五十规则,我们需要了解SDN网络的基本结构。传统的网络架构中,网络设备(如交换机和路由器)同时负责数据包的转发和控制逻辑,这种紧耦合的结构导致传统网络的管理复杂且固定,难以适应不断...
另外,需要注意的是:(1)50%原则只看持股比例,不看是否实际控制(OFAC’s 50 Percent Rule speaks only to ownership and not to control);[14](2)如被制裁对象有意转让股权将其对子公司的持股比例降至50%以下,该交易必须在美国境外进行,且不得有美国人参与。[15] 典型案例:En+ Group和俄铝被OFAC制裁案 20...
In this article we propose SRCMN, which is a new caching structure to improve network performance with a limited rule space in the SDN-enabled mobile access network. We design a two-layer rule space in each SDN device, which is managed by the SDN controller. We also design a cache ...
The invention provides a universal rule conflict detection method through content of a rule issuing request, which is submitted by a specified upper application to an SDN controller; meanwhile, the plurality of rule issuing requests are received by the SDN controller according to time slices; and ...
Therefore, this paper proposes a technique for creating a flow rule in software defined networking that controls the packet path of the network, logically separates the non-updated vaccine hosts, and induces a vaccine update. Network security was evaluated by distinguishing between an abnormal host ...
A Fine-Grained Detection Mechanism for SDN Rule CollisionThe rules issued by third-party applications may have direct violations or indirect violations with existing security flow rules in the SDN (software-defined network), thereby leading to the failure......
and rule space of the node and rule space of the built DAG node are mutually exclusive; then, the rule space of the built DAG node and the rule space of the found node are intersected, and the node formed after intersection serves as a public child node; finally, the public node is ...
rule50permit tcpsource192. destination192.168.90.2500destination-port eq389# 允许其它网段ping 192.x, 禁止192.x ping 其它网段rule100deny icmpsource192. destination192. icmp-typeechorule101deny icmpsource192. destination172.
Author Correction: Efficient handling of ACL policy change in SDN using reactive and proactive flow rule installation Correction to:Scientific Reports, published online 28 June 2024 The original version of this Article contained errors in the Funding section...
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