The proceedings of SDMC 2024 represents a collection of high-quality research papers that have undergone rigorous peer review. Each paper has been carefully selected based on its originality, depth of research, relevance to the conference theme, and poten- tial contribution to the field. The public...
第三届社会发展与媒体传播国际学术会议(SDMC 2023) 2023 3rd International Conference on Social Development and Media Communication 经组委商议,会议地点修改至西双版纳,文章见刊检索不受影响 重要信息 大会官网: 大会时间:2023年11月03-05日 大会地点:中国-西双版纳 报名/截稿:2023年10月...
In order to increase the visibility of this conference and of the papers from its participants, this conference has chosen to sponsor the online publication of the conference papers. Therefore, all conference papers can be read and downloaded for free; no subscription or other payment is required...
2024 International Conference on Public Administration, Social Development and Media Communication(ICPASDMC 2024)●会议简介 2024公共管理、社会发展与媒体传播国际学术会议(ICPASDMC 2024)定于中国北京举行。会议主题主要围绕社会发展与媒体传播等相关研究领域展开讨论,旨在为相关研究方向的专家学者及企业发展人提供一...
2024 International Conference on Public Administration, Social Development and Media Communication(ICPASDMC 2024) ●会议简介 2024公共管理、社会发展与媒体传播国际学术会议(ICPASDMC 2024)定于中国北京举行。会议主题主要围绕社会发展与媒体传播等相关研究领域展开讨论,旨在为相关研究方向的专家学者及企业发展人提供一个...
SDMC: A Trusted Partner at the WWOA Conference Innovative Biosolids Solutions: Key Takeaways from the WWOA 58th Annual Conference Attending the 58th Wisconsin Wastewater ... Read More (715) 254-9835 SDMC America Technology, Inc. 1091 Sutherland Ave. ...
Diiklankan dengan buruk! Maklumat tentang persidangan yang dibawa ke Belgrade saintis yang sangat terkemuka tidak diedarkan dengan sewajarnya di kalangan ahli akademik dan oleh itu persidangan itu kurang dihadiri. Itulah kasihan diberi nama penceramah!
By accepting some or all optional cookies you give consent to the processing of your personal data, including transfer to third parties, some in countries outside of the European Economic Area that do not offer the same data protection standards as the country where you live. You can decide ...
Conference: Proceedings of the 2023 3rd International Conference on Social Development and Media Communication (SDMC 2023) Date: 3-5 November 2023 Location: Hangzhou, China (Hybrid) Website: This Proceedings
2021 International Conference on Social Development and Media Communication (SDMC 2021) was held on November 26-28, 2021 in Sanya, China. The purpose of the conference is to provide an international platform for experts, scholars, engineers and technicians, and technical R&D personnel engaged in re...