NameDownloadsVersionPlatforms Installing sdl2_ttf Installing sdl2_ttf from the conda-forge channel can be achieved by adding conda-forge to your channels with: conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --set channel_priority strict Once the conda-forge channel has been enabled, sdl...
InstallMS build toolsandvcpkg Install the needed SDL2 libs:vcpkg.exe install sdl2-ttf:x64-windows sdl2:x64-windows Open a x64 native tools prompt (x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019) set env vars: SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\my_user\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin SET I...
Download-Seite für libsdl2-ttf-dev_2.22.0+dfsg-1_arm64.deb für 64-bit ARMv8-Rechner Falls Sie Ubuntu auf Ihrem Rechner einsetzen, wird nachdrücklich empfohlen, einen Paket-Manager wie Aptitude oder Synaptic zum Herunterladen und Installieren von Paketen zu benutzen und nicht diese Website....
SDL2_ttf 分别是图像加载库,音频库,TTF字体库,都很常用,推荐都装上,配置同SDL,复制 SDL2_image.lib SDL2_mixer.lib SDL2_ttf.lib 到 E:\Rust\rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib 所有DLL都放入Cargo.toml同级目录 ...
SDL2_ttf 分别是图像加载库,音频库,TTF字体库,都很常用,推荐都装上,配置同SDL,复制 SDL2_image.lib SDL2_mixer.lib SDL2_ttf.lib 到 E:\Rust\rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib 所有DLL都放入Cargo.toml同级目录 ...
SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)是一套开放源代码的跨平台多媒体开发库,使用C语言写成。SDL提供了数种...
/ (VisualC++32/64-bit)SDL图像 /projects/SDL_mixer/ (VisualC++32/64-bit)SDL字体/projects/SDL_ttf/ (VisualC++32/64-bit)SDL声音/projects/SDL_mixer/ ...
–SDL核心 •–SDL图像 •–SDL字体 •SDL2_ttf-devel-2.... 4. Download and copy the precompiled libffi folders include and .libs to the mingw64: a. Download the precompiled from here: i. b. Copy the include and ....