1、使用Visual Studio 2019 创建一个终端控制台程序。 点击“文件—新建—项目”,选择“控制台应用”,输入源代码: test.cpp: 1#include <iostream>2#include <SDL.h>34/*5* Lesson 0: Test to make sure SDL is setup properly6*/7intmain(int,char**) {8if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) !=0) {9st...
于是咱们从官网下载了SDL2.dll,并且放到了根目录,还把属性设置为始终复制,然而,还是没用。 于是求助了万能的谷歌,到官网找到了这样的一个帖子how-to-setup-sdl-with-c-bindings-in-visual-studio-for-mac, 文字内容很多,咱们挑简要的说,意思就是 : 咱们在mac下用的netcore 3.1项目用的dll不应该是SDL2.dll,...
于是咱们从官网下载了SDL2.dll,并且放到了根目录,还把属性设置为始终复制,然而,还是没用。 于是求助了万能的谷歌,到官网找到了这样的一个帖子how-to-setup-sdl-with-c-bindings-in-visual-studio-for-mac, 文字内容很多,咱们挑简要的说,意思就是 : 咱们在...
点击 launch.json 右下角添加配置,选择 c/c++:(gdb) 启动,会生成默认的配置。 接着再在 .vscode 文件夹创建 c_cpp_properties.json 文件用于配置 C/C++ 项目的IntelliSense 功能,包括头文件路径、编译器路径等,以便 Visual Studio Code 能够提供代码补全、语法检查等功能。 (2)c_cpp_properties.json {"config...
When attempting to setup SDL2 with VS Code in Ubuntu 20.01 LTM I get the following VS Code error: cannot open source file "begin_code.h" (dependency of "SDL2/SDL.h") Any tips? gcc visual-studio-code sdl-2 ubuntu-20.04 Share Improve this question Follow asked Oct 3, 20...
python setup.py install This assumes you have installed a version of Visual Studio that is appropriate for the version of Python you are using. If you also want to install the python headers in a standard fashion to make an IDE's autocomplete work then you should try creating a python wh...
@REM Build for Visual Studio compiler. Run your copy of vcvars32.bat or vcvarsall.bat to setup command-line compiler. @set OUT_EXE=example_sdl2_vulkan @set INCLUDES=/I..\.. /I..\..\backends /I%SDL2_DIR%\include /I %VULKAN_SDK%\include @set SOURCES=main.cpp ...
This document assumes that you have already installed both Visual Studio and Meson.Set up the build directoryFirst you need to create an empty directory for all your stuff. The Visual Studio toolchain is a bit unusual in that it requires you to run your builds from a specific shell. This ...
SDL.setupJNI() 这个方法会对SDL中的模块进行初始化。 代码语言:javascript 复制 publicstaticvoidsetupJNI(){//SDLActivity中的JNI方法进行初始化。可以一定程度的认为是音频系统的初始化SDLActivity.nativeSetupJNI();//音频系统的初始化SDLAudioManager.nativeSetupJNI();// 控制系统的初始化SDLControllerManager.nativ...
一、无法打开文件“xxx.lib” 出现这种错误一般为 ①未添加xxx.lib库文件 ②库添加后,路径不对,找不到对应的库文件路径 解决方案: 先查看库文件是否已经添加 若未添加,右击项目->属性->链接器->输入;将库文件加入即可 如果库文件已经添加,仍然报错,此时需要查看生成的库文件的路径了。 先找到...