Creating a window on MacOS with or without the SDL_WINDOW_UTILITY flag results in the same window being created. It still appears in the app switcher and the dock. SDL_WINDOW_TOOLTIP and SDL_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU on MacOS result in the window not appearing. It also appears in the app switche...
SDL_WINDOW_SKIP_TASKBAR = 0x00010000, /**< window should not be added to the taskbar */ SDL_WINDOW_UTILITY = 0x00020000, /**< window should be treated as a utility window */ SDL_WINDOW_TOOLTIP = 0x00040000, /**< window should be treated as a tooltip */ SDL_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU = ...
/**< window should always be above others */SDL_WINDOW_SKIP_TASKBAR=0x00010000,/**< window should not be added to the taskbar */SDL_WINDOW_UTILITY=0x00020000,/**< window should be treated as a utility window */SDL_WINDOW_
SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_CAPTURE =0x00004000,/**< window has mouse captured (unrelated to INPUT_GRABBED) */ SDL_WINDOW_ALWAYS_ON_TOP =0x00008000,/**< 窗口永远置于最前 */ SDL_WINDOW_SKIP_TASKBAR =0x00010000,/**< window should not be added to the taskbar */ SDL_WINDOW_UTILITY =0x00020000,/...
SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindow("SDL2 Window", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,640,480, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); // 使用窗口 // 销毁窗口 SDL_DestroyWindow(window); 3. 避免频繁创建销毁 频繁创建和销毁窗口可能会导致性能问题,因此在可能的情况下,最好在应用程序的生命周期内保持窗...
I will try SDL_WINDOW_UTILITY to alleviate the issue. I also found an interesting thing. If I add the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW style to the window using SetWindowLong from the Win32 API on the previous code, the title bar will flicker after changing focus. vovan4ik123-engine commented Oct 31, ...
SDL_WINDOW_UTILITY=0x00020000,/**< window should be treated as a utility window */SDL_WINDOW_TOOLTIP=0x00040000,/**< window should be treated as a tooltip */SDL_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU=0x00080000,/**< window should be treated as a popup menu */SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN=0x10000000,/**< window ...
render_rect.w = WINDOW_WIDTH; render_rect.h = WINDOW_HEIGHT;boolquit =false;intdeltaTime =0;intcurrentFrame = SDL_GetTicks();intlastFrame;intfpsMs =1000/ MAX_FPS; map_tex = renderMap(renderer,map); camera.x =0; camera.y =0; ...
示例2: Java_fr_mydedibox_utility_UtilitySDL_nativeResume ▲点赞 7▼ // Resumeextern"C"voidJava_fr_mydedibox_utility_UtilitySDL_nativeResume( JNIEnv* env, jclass cls){if(Android_Window) {SDL_SendWindowEvent(Android_Window, SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED,0,0);SDL_SendWindowEvent(Android_Window...
Please use the sendbug(1) utility to report bugs in the system. Before reporting a bug, please try to reproduce it with the latest version of the code. With bug reports, please try to ensure that enough information to reproduce the problem is enclosed, and if a ...