library is internally written in C, and provides the application programming interface in C, with bindings to other languages available. SDL is extensively used in the industry in both large and small projects. Over 700 games, 180 applications, and 120 demos have been posted on the library web...
头文件 (Library.h) 库文件(Windows 的Library.lib 或 *nix 的libLibrary.a) 二进制文件(Windows 的Library.dll 或*nix 的 ✨你的编译器需要能够在编译时找到头文件,以便它知道SDL 函数和结构是什么。可以将编译器配置为在 SDL 头文件所在的附加目录中进行搜索,或者将头文件与编译器附带的其余头...
SDL was originally created to write games, but is now widely used for other types of applications as well. It supports multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS and Android. Here are some of the main features of the SDL library: Window Management: SDL provides a set of...
•二进制文件(Windows 的Library.dll 或*nix 的 ✨你的编译器需要能够在编译时找到头文件,以便它知道SDL 函数和结构是什么。可以将编译器配置为在 SDL 头文件所在的附加目录中进行搜索,或者将头文件与编译器附带的其余头文件一起放入。如果编译器提示找不到 SDL.h,则意味着头文件不在编译器查找头...
It also installs CMake module file, which can be used from CMake directly:find_package(SDL2pp REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget SDL2pp::SDL2pp)BundlingThe library is easy to integrate into other CMake projects (and as the library has no stable API yet, this way of using it is...
SDL2.dll 是 动态链接库 Dynamic Link Library , 包含了编译后的代码 ; lib 目录下有 32 位和 64 位 的开发库 , 这里 使用 32 位的开发库 , 因为之前的 FFmpeg 开发环境中使用的开发库也是 32 位的 ; 进入x86 目录 , 查看 动态库的具体内容 :3...
将其中的 SDL2_p_w_picpath.framework 这个文件拷贝到/Library/Frameworks 这个文件夹中,会让你输入管理员密码。输入后,确定,拷贝完毕: 然后进入你的xCode中的SDL的项目,点击项目名称,就会显示设置页。可以看到Link Binary With Libraries 那栏目前只有一个SDL2.framework(此前我们创建SDL2的项目时添加的),我们需要...
换的CMakeList如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION2.8.11)set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -Werror")include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../hidapi/hidapi/hidapi.h)add_library(hidapiSHAREDhid.cpp)find_library(ANDROID_LOG_LIBRARYlog)target_link...
无疑挨个指定 LIBRARY 的文件加路径是很蛋痛的。 还是加上 /LIBPATH:DIR 会优雅一点点 > Executing task in folder _mswin: /home/wenxue/.wine/drive_c/_win/vs19btool/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.28.29333/bin/HostX64/x64/cl.exe sine_plot_00.c -o sine_plot_00.exe -I c:\_win\vs19btool\VC\Tools...