#include<iostream>#include<SDL/SDL.h>intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){//初始化SDLSDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);//创建一个窗口和一个渲染器SDL_Window*window;SDL_Renderer*renderer;// Create an application window with the following settings:/* We must call SDL_CreateRenderer in order for draw calls ...
200},{300,240},{340,240},{320,200}};staticSDL_Rect bigrect={0,0,540,380};intmain(int argc,char*argv[]){int flag=1;SDL_Window*window;// Declare a pointerSDL_Renderer*renderer;SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);// Initialize SDL2// Create an application window with the following...
Next unit: Understand application penetration testing Previous Next Having an issue? We can help! For issues related to this module, explore existing questions using the #Microsoft 365 Training tag or Ask a question on Microsoft Q&A. For issues related to Certifications and Exams, post on ...
同时,如果还有报错,需要去掉我们配置的x86指令集。 具体在jni/Application.mk 里面移除掉 代码语言:js 复制 APP_ABI:=armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 为 代码语言:js 复制 APP_ABI:=armeabi armeabi-v7a 同时将项目下app/build.gradle里面,将 abiFilters "armeabi" ,"armeabi-v7a","x86" 改为 abiFilters "armeab...
The library is internally written in C, and provides the application programming interface in C, with bindings to other languages available. SDL is extensively used in the industry in both large and small projects. Over 700 games, 180 applications, and 120 demos have been posted on the library...
doi:10.1016/B978-044450228-5/50007-2Nils FischbeckMarc BornAndreas HoffmannMario WinklerJoachim FischerSDL Enhancements and Application for the Design of Distributed Systems - Fischbeck, Born, et al. - 1999
or Direct3D context. The library is internally written in C, and provides the application programming interface in C, with bindings to other languages available. SDL is extensively used in the industry in both large and small projects. Over 700 games, 180 applications, and 120 demos have been...
// Create an application window with the following settings: window =SDL_CreateWindow( "SDL2 Draw Window",// window title SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,// initial x position SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,// initial y position 800,// width, in pixels ...
Intent playbackAudioServiceIntent = new Intent(mSingleton.getApplicationContext(), ForOnDestroyService.class); mSingleton.startService(playbackAudioServiceIntent); } private void stopForOnDestroyService() { if (!ForOnDestroyService.mExitThread) { ...
* specify the subsystems which you will be using in your application. * 这些是可以传递给SDL_Init()的标志。您应该指定将在应用程序中使用的子系统。 */ /* @{ */ #define SDL_INIT_TIMER 0x00000001u #define SDL_INIT_AUDIO 0x00000010u ...