FAILURE:Build failedwithan exception.*What went wrong:Aproblem occurred configuring root project'javajo-gradle'.> such file or directory)*Try:Runwith--stacktrace option togetthe stack trace.Runw...
RUN sdkversionRUN yes | bash -c'sdk install kotlin'CMD ["echo","The development environment has now been fully setup with C, C++, JAVA, Python3, Go and Kotlin"] 我正在使用SDKMAN!安装静态编程语言。最初的问题是,我没有使用RUN bash /root/.sdkman/bin/,而是使用了RUN Source...
Install to a custom location Lastly, if you want to install SDKMAN! in a custom location, like /usr/local/sdkman, make sure you have full access rights and that the folder doesn't exist. Export SDKMAN_DIR before installing: $ export SDKMAN_DIR="/usr/local/sdkman" && curl...
Install the Android build tools version 30.0.3 or higher.,我已经安装了使用android的构建工具。但据我所知,cordova在运行“cordova build android”时并没有使用它我的构建日志 Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=undefined (recommended setting) ANDROID_HOME= 浏览9提问于2022-03-25...
.installation_root .sbtopts .scala-steward.conf .scalafmt.conf CITATION.cff Dockerfile LICENSE build.sbt composer-setup.php joern joern-benchmarks joern-export joern-export.bat joern-flow joern-flow.bat joern-parse joern-parse.bat joern-scan joern-scan.bat...
$ docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/usr/src/app -v $HOME/.gradle:/root/.gradle sdkman-cli/gradle test Local Installation To install SDKMAN locally running against your local server, run the following commands: $ ./gradlew install $ source ~/.sdkman/bin/ Or run install...
> bash /root/.sdkman/bin/ > yes | /bin/bash -l -c 'sdk install groovy' WARNING: Cache is corrupt. SDKMAN can not be used until updated. If I try to runsdk updateprior to thesdk install groovyI get: > sdk update === INTERNET NOT REACHABLE! === Some functionalit...
Tested this with my WSL Ubuntu install but wasn't able to reproduce. Could install Groovy and Kotlin (from a sudo bash shell) successfully Noticed from your logs, that the download directory is going to /root and not /home/<username> Wondering if there are any permission issues? I also ...
Executing command "source /root/.sdkman/bin/" fails with: source /root/.sdkman/contrib/completion/bash/sdk /root/.sdkman/contrib/completion/bash/sdk: line 37: syntax error near unexpected token <' /root/.sdkman/contrib/completion/bash/sdk: line 37: done < <(curl --...
but if I install it in side a docker container manually it runs fine. is there any catch? I examined ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile both has [[ -s "/root/.sdkman/bin/" ]] && source "/root/.sdkman/bin/" at last line....