Finally, we can use the NDK to start building the Android SDK Tools. Please note that it is only applicable to Android ndk for compilation, not applicable to other Linux distributions. # abi [arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64] # use the protoc-xxx we compiled before # note the ...
Update tools Jul 28, 2020 .gitmodules Rebrand github urls May 14, 2019 Release 5.0.6 version (#1751) Jan 9, 2025 Update contributing Jan 25, 2019 docs: remove dead link and add link to repository map in (#… ...
一、下载Android SDK tools 二、安装 三、配置变量 四、验证环境变量 开发Android程序必需有Android SDK(Software Development Kit)软件开发工具包,现在的Android Studio安装好后会自带SDK等一些插件,比早期使用eclipse要方便许多。 Android SDK tools就是Android Studio中用来管理各种版本Android SDK的工具。 通过Android ...
Client-side integration: integrate the ZOLOZ SDK into the merchant application. The ZOLOZ SDK provides a drop-in set of screens and tools for both iOS and Android applications to capture required user data such as face images, identity document images, and so on. By integrating the ZOLOZ SDK...
FreeRTOSFreeRTOS 中间件GitHub示例引用 裸机适用于嵌入式 C 的 Azure SDKGitHub示例引用 使用嵌入式设备 SDK 开发代码,以在连接到 IoT 中心或 IoT Central 的 IoT 设备上运行。 要详细了解何时使用嵌入式设备 SDK,请参阅C SDK 和嵌入式 C SDK 使用方案。
This is a servicing release of the Windows App SDK that includes critical bug fixes for the 1.6 release. Fixed an issue with text selection highlighting in a multi-line TextBox. For more info, see GitHub issue#9965. Fixed an issue where the DDLM package would sometimes not install, prevent...
o. "SDK" means Garmin's CONNECT IQ software development kit, in object code form, that is licensed to you under this Agreement, including documentation, firmware, software, sample code, tools, libraries, APIs, data, and files made available to you by Garmin. p. "Program Materials" means ...
NVIDIA NeMo is an open-source framework for building and training conversational AI; the foundation of automatic speech recognition, text to speech generation, and language processing models. Learn More About NemoDownload Framework Nsight Tools Suite ...
This is a servicing release of the Windows App SDK that includes critical bug fixes for the 1.6 release. Fixed an issue with text selection highlighting in a multi-line TextBox. For more info, see GitHub issue#9965. Fixed an issue where the DDLM package would sometimes not install, prevent...
Android SDK Tools 26.1.1,用于Unity2018或者2019打包安卓apk时候使用。新版32.X使用过于麻烦。下载下来还需要安装对应的内容。 Unity3D 打包apk2020-05-06 上传大小:146.00MB 所需:50积分/C币 tools 26.1.1和NDK19.0.5232133整合包 unity2019或2020安卓打包时报sdk tools版本和NDK的问题,将tools 26.1.1替换Android...