The Intel RealSense SDK 2.0 is now integrated with Open3D, an open-source library designed for processing 3D data. Open3D supports rapid development of software for 3D data processing, including scene reconstruction, visualization, and 3D machine learning. ...
Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK ... Developer Software Neural Processing SD... Products Developer Support Company On this page Overview Qualcomm AI Stack Meet the SDK Tutorials The Qualcomm® Neural Processing SDK is engineered to help developers save time and effort in optimizing performance of train...
If you prefer to control paging yourself, response objects have helper methods that control paging: # make a request that returns a truncated responseresp=s3.list_objects(bucket:'aws-sdk')resp.last_page?#=> falseresp.next_page?#=> trueresp=resp.next_page# send a request for the next res...
Nuitrack is the only cross platform skeleton tracking and gesture recognition solution that enables Natural User Interface (NUI) capabilities on Android, Windows, Linux, and iOS platforms.
The Hexagon SDK is a software development kit that enables embedded developers to access embedded computing resources on the Hexagon NPU. Using the Hexagon SDK, cutting-edge developers with expertise working in native programming environments can tap into world-class, hardware-enabled multimedia features...
MuPDF App Kits land from Artifex Software Inc. for Android and iOS mobile app developers. The app kits will give developers tools that can help get products to the market faster and integrate PDF features like PDF Form Filling, PDF redactions, Digita... SDK Alexa Connect Kit SDK lands from...
相应的外设驱动API包含在SDK-->platform-->drivers-->inc目录下,每一个外设(比如LPUART、FlexCAN、EDMA或者FTM--FlexTimer)一个对应的头文件: Tips:部分SDK的PD外设驱动所包含的硬件访问层(hw_access)API函数也是全局的,可以在用户应用程序中调用,以完成对外设寄存器的特殊要求配置; ...
In short, an API lets software interact and share data, while an SDK gives developers all the tools to create software from scratch or add new features. The API is just one component inside an SDK’s larger toolbox. Conclusion In the end, allowing other brands to use your technology via...
o. "SDK" means Garmin's CONNECT IQ software development kit, in object code form, that is licensed to you under this Agreement, including documentation, firmware, software, sample code, tools, libraries, APIs, data, and files made available to you by Garmin. p. "Program Materials" means ...