首先,你的电脑要安装成功了 Windows Subsystem for Android(WSA),以及下载 ADB 工具: SDK Platform Tools 然后解压缩到某个文件夹,并将这个文件夹添加为环境变量 然后打开 WSA 的开发人员模式,就可以用 Windows 11 的命令提示符(cmd)来连接你在 Windows 11 里的 WSA,即 Android 系统了。
contains SDK releases and updates for earlier Windows and Windows Phone platform versions, as well as emulator releases supporting development and UX testing for mobile device experiences. For the latest editions of Visual Studio and the Windows developer tools, seeDownloads and tools for Windows. ...
Android SDK Platform-Tools 是 Android SDK 的一个组件。它包含与 Android 平台进行交互的工具,主要是adb和fastboot。虽然adb是 Android 应用开发所必需的,但应用开发者通常仅使用 Studio 安装的副本。如果您想直接从命令行使用adb并且未安装 Studio,此项下载非常有用。(如果您安装了 Studio,则可能只需使用 Studio ...
The Windows SDK (10.0.26100) for Windows 11 provides the latest headers, libraries, metadata, and tools for building Windows applications. Use this SDK to build Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Win32 applications for Windows 11, version 24H2 and previous Windows releases. ...
android sdk 架构设计 android sdk platform tools 官方网址:http://developer.android.com/tools/help/index.htmlAndroid SDK Tools是Android SDK附带的一个软件开发工具包,包含了一套完整的Android SDK开发和调试工具。 系统要求:Windows XP/Vista/7,Mac OS X 10.4.8或以上,Linux安装:参考安装Android开发环境的相关...
更新时间:2021-12-04 11:02:00 软件等级: 软件厂商:- 应用平台:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10 软件官网:http://www.itmop.com/ ITMOP本地下载推荐软件管家下载 0%(0)差评0%(0) Android SDK Platform-tools是androdi运行环境必备软件,这是安卓调试工具包,官网进去慢的用户就下载新版分享到这个吧,主要是包括 ...
Download the Android SDK Platform-tools zip containing the Android ADB and fastboot drivers for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
This section of the MSDN® Library hosts the Platform SDK Tools: debugging tools, file management tools, OLE tools, performance tools, resource tools, and testing tools. These tools are shipped as part of the PSDK.Expand table In This Library SectionEssentials Debugging Tools File Mangement To...
platform-tools_r30.0.3-windows.zip platform-tools_r30.0.3想要该Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64.msu补丁,压缩包里有 platform-tools是很多刷机的朋友都会用到的工具包,Android SDK其中的platform-tools包可以对安卓设备进行调试,包括解锁、刷机等操作都可以使用这个工具包来进行,其中包含开发app的平台依赖的开发和调试工具...
In This Library SectionEssentials Debugging Tools File Mangement Tools Performance Tools Resource Tools Testing Tools Platform SDK Home Using the Platform SDK Download Platform SDK Updates Platform SDK Support Resources Newsgroups