“Consumers love accessing data and information faster, safer and more conveniently,” said Todd Mozer, Sensory’s CEO. “The application markets for iPhone and Android are exploding with creativity and we’re anxious to see what innovative features developers will create with the exciting Truly Han...
Some of the more intriguing competitors for the iPhone will be those devices powered by Android, Google's open source mobile platform. Google said in November that it developed Android to spur innovation among developers to create applications for mobile phones that wouldn't be exclusive to ...
DroidPlugin:DroidPlugin 是360手机助手在Android系统上实现的一种新的插件机制,它可以在无需安装、修改的情况下运行APK文件,此机制对改进大型APP的架构,实现多团队协作开发具有一定的好处。DroidPlugin的使用很简单,技术方案也非常成熟,我们可以放心大胆的使用到生产环境中, Parse-SDK-Android:Parse 是一家专为移动应用提...
Update version to match Android SDK. No changes from fixes (8.3.0)MS-5208, MS-5214: Upgraded OMSDK from 1.3.31 to 1.4.2. MS-5197: Added iPad multiwindow support for Google AdMob mediation. For more information, see Mediate with iOS....
此应用与最新版Android不兼容 targetSdkVersion 应用与此iphone不兼容,同事的iPhone5AppStore下载app提示与设备不兼容:原因是buildsetting下的buildactivearchitectureonly在release环境下也设置成了yes,导致release环境下app只支持Xcode里面配置的几个架构。修改方法:
这时我们就要用到 lldb 的命令 thread backtrace 查看调用堆栈, 发现 sendAction:to:forEvent: 这个方法...
[Android] Static filtersThe Genius Scan SDK offers a new set of fixed filters in addition to the existing filters (Monochrome, B/W, Color, and Photo). See v5.0.3 changelog for the iOS part.Core integrationTo automatically process a document, use Enhancement.automatic(). To process a ...
To get started import the AndroidExample into their custom version of Eclipse, build and run it. Hopefully you should see a similar result to the iPhone app, with live video and tags displayed. You'll need to hold the phone in landscape orientation, look for the tag text and use that ...
Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk Xcode 14.0.1 with iOS 16.2 show errorCannot prepare phone for development. Use Xcode 14.0.1 inCommand Line Toolsallow build app But IDE not see connected iPhone ...
aFor developers, the Android 2.3.3 platform is available as a downloadable component for the Android SDK. The downloadable platform includes an Android library and system image, as well as a set of emulator skins and more. The downloadable platform includes no external libraries.[translate]...