Use the SDK demo to consume tracked data,Data Transmission Service:After you create a change tracking task and a consumer group, you can write code or use the SDK demo that is provided by Data Transmission Service (DTS) to track and consume data. This to
收到该回调后,应该及时向业务服务器请求带有新token的连麦推流地址,并通过refreshPushURLToken接口将新的token传入SDK。 onPushURLTokenExpired:连麦推流URL的token已经过期。该回调触发代表token鉴权信息已过期,需要在结束推流后使用新的token的URL重新推流。 onPusherNetworkQualityChanged:当前用户上行网络质量回调,当上行网...
cd build/demo ./syDemo Windows平台编译 推荐直接使用已经编译好的库NlsCppSdk_Windows_<version>_<github commit id>.zip进行集成。若有编译需求,请下载alibabacloud-nls-cpp-sdk<version>-master_<github commit id>.zip并解压到本地,或从GitHub获取最新代码,然后参考其中readme.md的编译步骤。 关键接口 基础...
\web\networking\asyncdemo\ \winbase\cluster\win2003\clipbookserver\clipbook serverex\ \winbase\cluster\win2003\filesharesample\file share sampleex\ \winbase\rdc \winbase\storage\optical\imapi2sample \winbase\vss\vshadow \winbase\vss\vsssampleprovider ...
1. 单击下载 Android 上传 Demo 及源码,将下载好的压缩包解压,可以看到 Demo 目录。 2. 上传源码在 Demo/app/src/main/java/com/tencent/ugcupload/demo/videoupload 目录下。 集成上传库和源码 1. 拷贝上传源码目录Demo/app/src/main/java/com/tencent/ugcupload/demo/videoupload到您的工程目录中,需要手...
sessionToken, startTime, expiredTime); 注意: COS Android SDK 版本需要大于等于 v5.9.31。 2. 初始化 COS 服务 a. 通过 CosXmlServiceConfig 配置 COS 服务。 // 存储桶所在地域简称,例如广州地区是 ap-guangzhou String region = "COS_REGION"; // 创建 CosXmlServiceConfig 对象,根据需要修改默认...
对象存储(Cloud Object Storage,COS)服务的 XML Java SDK 源码下载地址:XML Java SDK。 SDK 快速下载地址:XML Java SDK。 示例Demo 下载地址:COS XML Java SDK 示例。 SDK 更新日志请参见 ChangeLog。 SDK 常见问题请参见:Java SDK 常见问题。 说明: 为了避免不必要的繁琐代码排查与程序定位问题,如果您初次使...
Next steps Get more help by filing an issue on GitHub Monitor web page usage Third-party information disclaimer The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the perform...
Demo tenant setupIf you don't already have a tenant with your company, you can create a demo tenant with or without pre-generated data. You must register as a Microsoft partner to access Microsoft CDX. To create a new account:Navigate to the Microsoft CDX tenant creation site and create ...
After you set the cache to never expire, the app determines that the cache is always valid when the app is running and does not perform expiration check and update the expired cache. You do not need to specify the setKeepAliveDomains parameter to actively update the cache. This can ...