SDGSAT-1(可持续发展科学卫星1号)是全球首颗专门服务联合国2030年可持续发展议程的科学卫星,搭载了微光成像仪(Glimmer Imager, GLI)、热红外成像仪(Thermal Infrared Spectrometer, TIS)和多谱段成像仪(Multispectral Imager, MSI),各载荷均具有特色:微光成像仪提供10米全色和40米RGB彩色夜间探测数据;热红外成像仪具...
论文第一作者为博士研究生滕沅建,通讯作者为任华忠研究员。基于SDGSAT-1 TIS热红外通道的特性,本研究首先构建了三种形式的劈窗(Split-Window,SW)算法,其原理是大气水汽对地表热红外发射辐射的吸收与不同热红外通道测量的辐亮度差值高度相...
CALIBRATIONSDGSAT-1 was launched in November 2021, and TIS (Thermal infrared sensor) is a major instrument onboard this satellite. An analysis of the radiometric calibration and noise performance of the TIS has been carried out in the thermal vacuum chamber before launch in order to ...
First, multiple features (thermal and optical features) were extracted using SDGSAT-1 TIS and Landsat 8/9 OLI data. Second, an industrial heat source identification model based on a support vector machine (SVM) and multiple features was constructed. Then, industrial heat sources were ge...
SDGSAT-1(可持续发展科学卫星1号)是全球首颗专门服务联合国2030年可持续发展议程的科学卫星,搭载了微光成像仪(Glimmer Imager, GLI)、热红外成像仪(Thermal Infrared Spectrometer, TIS)和多谱段成像仪(Multispectral Imager, MSI),各载荷均具有特色:微光成像仪提供10米全色和40米RGB彩色夜间探测数据;热红外成像仪...
卫星研制了地球科学卫星专用平台和热红外成像仪(TIS)、 城镇微光成像仪 (GIU)和近海多谱段成像仪(MII)三种载荷,通过卫星全天时协同观测开展人为活动强烈区域的“能源消耗、人居格局、海岸港口环境”的精细探测,实现“人类活动痕迹”的精细刻画,量化表征人与...
SDGSAT-1(可持续发展科学卫星1号)是全球首颗专门服务联合国2030年可持续发展议程的科学卫星,搭载了微光成像仪(Glimmer Imager, GLI)、热红外成像仪(Thermal Infrared Spectrometer, TIS)和多谱段成像仪(Multispectral Imager, MSI),各载荷均具有特色:微光成像仪提供10米全色和40米RGB彩色夜间探测数据;热红外成像仪...
(2) The importance of using thermal features from the SDGSAT-1 TIS to detect IHSPAs was demonstrated by different importance analysis methods. (3) Our proposed method can detect more IHSs, with greater spatial coverage and smaller areas, compared with the methods of Ma and Li...
The Thermal Infrared Spectrometer (TIS), which has high spatial resolution among spaceborne thermal infrared sensors at present, and global data acquisition capability, is one of the sensors equipped in the SDGSAT-1. It is an important complement to the existing international mainstream ...