No.6 居民生活(零碳单元) 家庭碳账户、碳信用、碳监测 社区低碳居民公约 低碳消费模式 绿色低碳出行 居民文体健身设施与节能装置的结合 节水、节电、节粮、垃圾分类回收等低碳生活场景的技术实现 No.7 碳汇与海绵化改造 社区绿地、绿植的培育 海绵化社区道路改造和建设 新型海绵材料与社区微更新,景观设计的结合 No....
5月22日至6月5日,中国福利会少年宫围绕联合国可持续发展目标SDGs·No.2零饥饿Zero Hunger,组织开展了为期三周的《联合国SDGs·种子科考之旅》主题在线公开课,并在课后举行了“种子博物馆”创意作品评选活动。 本次公开课一经发布,...
SDGs永續發展目標共有以下17項目標: SDGs目標1 消除貧窮(No Poverty): 在全世界消除一切形式的貧窮 SDGs目標2 終止飢餓(Zero Hunger): 消除飢餓,改善營養狀況,確保糧食安全,促進永續農業 SDGs目標3 良好健康與福祉與社會福利(Good Health and Well-Being): 推動及確保各年齡層健康生活方式和福祉 SDGs目標4 優質教...
每次60分钟,近乎涵盖17个可持续发展目标,与国际组织工作联络员即时互动答疑,get更多可持续发展小知识,为解锁新可能做好准备,机会来了跑不掉哟! SDGs No.10 SDG7 经济适用的清洁能源 时间: 9月30日周四上午 10:00-11:00 答疑人: 李明来 经...
Shimadzu Corporation recebeu o prêmio SDGs Strategy/Economic Value Award no 6º Nikkei SDGs Management Awards. O Nikkei SDGs Management Awards reconhece empresas avançadas que contribuíram para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) de
SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities SDG 13 Climate action SDG 14 Life below water SDG 15 Life on land how we deliver our solutions. SDG 1 No poverty SDG 2 Zero...
NO POVERTY Malaysia done extremely well in eliminating extreme poverty and absolute poverty over the years. However, the current challenge Malaysia face is managing rising relative poverty in developed states. Methodology CONNECT WITH US The Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development is a regional ...
They include (1) no poverty, (2) no hunger, [3] good health and well-being, (4) quality education, (5) gender equality, [6] clean water and sanitation, [7] renewable energy, (8) good jobs and economic growth, [9] innovation and infrastructure, (10) reduced inequalities, (11) ...
Furthermore, ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation services is crucial for leaving no one behind. Vulnerable groups, including women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities, often face barriers to accessing clean water and sanitation facilities. Governments and organizations must...
It’s essential to have one north star in order to focus on what really matters and ensure no one is being left behind. The target “finish line” for the SDGs is 2030. Holding Governments Accountable The SDGs are a way to hold governments accountable, with each of the 193 UN member ...