保护、恢复和促进可持续利用陆地生态系统,可持续地管理森林,防治荒漠化,制止和扭转土地退化,阻止生物多样性的丧失。 NO.16 创建和平和包容的社会以促进可持续发展,让所有人都能诉诸司法,在各级建立有效、负责和包容的机构。 NO.17 加强执行手段,恢复可持续发...
UN forum urges 'whole-of-society' in data to leave no one behind 5 十二月 2024 Fair Finance Asia (FFA) Asian banks play a critical role in empowering consumers as part of their sustainability agenda, according to Fair Finance Asia
No.1 清洁能源 清洁能源系统、储能系统、微电网、智能电网 地源热泵、水源热泵系统 家庭用光伏发电、风光互补技术 高效低排生物质炉 太阳能产品(踩踏式光伏发电、光伏路灯、光伏座椅等) No.2 绿色建筑 既有居住建筑绿色改造、建筑能效 星级绿色居住建筑 超低能耗或近零能耗居住建筑 新型建筑材料开发 No.3 绿色交通...
5月22日至6月5日,中国福利会少年宫围绕联合国可持续发展目标SDGs·No.2零饥饿Zero Hunger,组织开展了为期三周的《联合国SDGs·种子科考之旅》主题在线公开课,并在课后举行了“种子博物馆”创意作品评选活动。 本次公开课一经发布,...
主题:公管学院全球学术顾问委员会“师生对话”系列活动暨 "Meet SDGs" 高端讲坛第十期:产业政策的复苏与新保护主义Topic: GAB-Student Dialogue & "Meet SDGs" High-End Forum No.10: The Resurgence of Industrial Policy and the New Protectionism时间: 2025年3月20日 星期四 13:30 – 14:45Time: 13:30...
SDGs永續發展的3個基本原則和5大價值目標 聯合國推動的SDGs永續發展有17項永續發展目標,其中涵蓋169項細項目標,但都是基於三個永續發展目標的基本原則: 1.基於人權的作為(Human Rights-based Approach) 2.一個都不能放棄(Leaves No One Behind) 3.性別平等及女性賦權(Gender Equality and Women`s Empowerment)...
First, we found no mention of consequences for SDG 1, the goal of reaching zero poverty. As discussed earlier, the rapid growth of online meal-delivery services has generated positive economic impacts, including employment creation and new business opportunities. To cite an example, Wolt, a Europ...
3 Challenges reframed as opportunities: from disparity to dignity The universal and global 2030 Agenda requires a human rights-centered perspective due to SDGs’ universal, transformative, comprehensive, and inclusive nature [50] to “leave no one behind.” SDG 10, in particular, commits to ensuri...
With awareness of environmental preservation and biodiversity, we are engaged in urban beekeeping on the Banquet Building roof, under the guidance of Mellow Surf Honey, a beekeeping company located in Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture, and with the cooperation of local NPO Chie-no-Wa. As of 2024, we...
The United Nations [UN] reviewed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2023. They aim to become a resource for sustainable development with positive social, economic, and environmental impacts. There are 17 SDGs. They include (1) no poverty, (2) no hunger, [3] good health and ...