Complied with the requirements of the “Ethical Corporate Management Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEX Listed Companies,” the “Personal Data Protection Act,” the “Trade Secrets Act,” and the “Fair Trade Act.” We also have internal regulations in place and regularly conduct audits and...
UNDP and SEC are launching SDG Guidebook for Listed Companies and SDG Impact Standards to support Thai Businesses integrate theSDGsinto their business strategies and operations Thailand SEC UNDP time: 2023-11-02 17:00:00 views: 58844 LuxSE and GICE&SDGsjoin forces to strengthen sustainable...
UNDP and SEC are launching SDG Guidebook for Listed Companies and SDG Impact Standards to support Thai Businesses integrate the SDGs into their business strategies and operations Thailand SEC UNDP time: 2023-11-02 17:00:00 views: 42345
We at voestalpine contribute substantially to achieving the following 12 SDGs through our business activities. Goal 3: Good health and well-being Goal 4: Quality education Goal 5: Gender equality Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy ...
Toward the target year of 2030, 17 goals, including "No Poverty" and "Zero Hunger," and 169 targets, which define the goals, are listed.How the SDGs relate to Kubota's efforts Kubota Initiatives and the SDGs Sustainability through Business Contributing to the development of a sustainable ...
Source:S&P Global Trucost. Data as at November 2020. For illustrative purposes. Data showcase is based on companies listed on the S&P Global 1200 index, selected to represent a global supply chain, equity portfolio or loan book. The index covers 31 countries and approximately 70 percent of glo...
he founded JA Solar to begin manufacturing solar cells. The company was listed on NASDAQ in 2007. By 2010, JA Solar had extended its industrial chain downstream to include modules, and in 2012, it further expanded to PV power ...
The study demonstrates statistically that governance factors such as the presence of women on the board of directors and the number of board meetings positively affect SDG disclosure in listed companies in Indonesia. Factors related to companies' profitability, environmental sensitivity, and board size ...
In addition to the three qualities listed above, the SDGs embody five core principles: A Unified and Unifying Plan of Action The SDGs orient governments and individuals towards unified action. Our world is more innovative, connected, and fast-growing than ever before. It’s essential to have on...
he founded JA Solar to begin manufacturing solar cells. The company was listed on NASDAQ in 2007. By 2010, JA Solar had extended its industrial chain downstream to include modules, and in 2012, it further expanded to PV power ...