The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) aim to develop healthy societies aligned with collective well-being. Although commendable effort
In addition, the extracted list of keywords was matched with existing taxonomies (Elsevier, 2015; Jia et al., 2019; UNSDG, 2019; Vatananan-Thesenvitz et al., 2019). Using the keywords, gathered queries are compiled for each SDG and then searched from the SCOPUS publication database. ...
久保田集团环保活动相关SDGs和目标一览 应对气候 变化 SDG2 消除饥饿,实现粮食安全,改善营养状况和促进可持续农业 到2030年,确保建立可持续粮食生产体系并执行具有抗灾能力的农作方法,以提高生产力和产量,帮助 2.4 维护生态系统,加强适应气候变化,极端天气,干旱,洪涝和其他灾害的能力,逐步改善土地和土壤质 量 SDG6 为...
久保田集团环保活动相关SDGs和目标一览 应对气候 变化 SDG2 消除饥饿,实现粮食安全,改善营养状况和促进可持续农业 到2030年,确保建立可持续粮食生产体系并执行具有抗灾能力的农作方法,以提高生产力和产量,帮助 2.4 维护生态系统,加强适应气候变化,极端天气,干旱,洪涝和其他灾害的能力,逐步改善土地和土壤质 量 SDG6 为...
Performance cookies, which help us measure the website’s performance and improve your experience. In using performance cookies we do not store any personal data, and only use the information collected through these cookies in aggregated and anonymized form. Cookie List ConsentLeg.I...
封装: TFSOP10 描述: IC DAC 16BIT SRL DUAL 10MSOP 数据手册:下载DAC8563SDGSR.pdf立即购买 数据手册 价格&库存 DAC8563SDGSR 数据手册 Sample & Buy Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents Reference Design DAC7562, DAC7563, DAC8162 DAC8163, DAC8562, DAC8563 SLAS71...
While the Gap Frame provides us with a clear list of priority issues to solve, the SDG results suggests that the country does very well, and that Switzerland should focus on SDG goal #17, namely developing better partnerships to implement the global goals, rather than its environmental issues ...
Another approach would be to lay out a comprehensive list of SDGs' targets, categorized by all 17 goals, that businesses can contribute to and profit from the most. Further studies should prioritize the SDGs and their targets according to the most urgent local and global issues and the most ...
Available online: (accessed on 10 April 2018). Oecd, Development Co-Operation Results for The 2030 AGENDA—A Guide for Applying the Sustainable Development Goals, Targets and Indicators in Results...
封装: TFSOP10 描述: IC DAC 16BIT SRL DUAL 10MSOP 数据手册:下载DAC8562SDGST.pdf立即购买 数据手册 价格&库存 DAC8562SDGST 数据手册 Sample & Buy Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents Reference Design DAC7562, DAC7563, DAC8162 DAC8163, DAC8562, DAC8563 SLAS71...