GoalDescription 1. No Poverty End poverty in all its forms everywhere. 2. Zero Hunger End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. 3. Good Health and Well-Being Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. 4. Quality Educat...
the main driving goal of sustainable development in the top Asian and American universities is SDG12 (Responsible Consumption & Production), the main driving goal of Europe and Oceania is SDG6 (Clean Water & Sanitation), and the main driving goal for Africa is SDG3 (Good Health & Well-being...
Fig. 3 Changes in conflicting associations among the SDGs with an increased share of trade-off (left) and a decreased share (right). The color bars represent the shares of trade-offs (orange), synergies (green), and not-classifieds (yellow) observed within a goal. The gray bar depicts in...
The analysis provided shows that the Minamata Convention addresses all 17 goals of the SDGs, recognizing strong synergies with health (Goal 3), responsible consumption and production (Goal 12), and partnerships (Goal 17) in particular. For further development of the Convention, it is recommended ...
In resolving challenges in implementation of Goal 4, the Vice President said “transparency around education budgeting and spending needs to improve. Similarly, governance issues at the Federal, State and Local governments remain at the heart of education provisioning in Nigeria.” ...
Classifying Sustainable Development Goal trajectories: a country-level methodology for identifying which issues and people are getting left behind. World Dev. 2019;123:104608. Article Google Scholar Schmidt=Traub G, Hoff H, Bernlöhr M. International spillovers and the sustainable development goals ...
Priority should be given to goals completely missing from the literature on this topic, as well as those which encompass essential aspects of urban vulnerability in the EMME region. For instance, the goal onLife below water(SDG14) may at first glance seem unrelated to urban vulnerability, but ...
SDG 9 focuses on fostering innovation and notes in its first target that affordable and equitable access to innovationfor allshould be aimed for (UN n.d.a). While the above cases from Zimbabwe, Brazil and Peru precede the SDGs, the potential for AI to “exacerbate inequality” has since be...
Goal Target 8.7 regarding the effective measures to end modern slavery by 2030, the article provides additional evidence on the intersections that exist between SDG 8.7 and those relating to urbanisation (SDG 11, 12), environmental degradation and pollution (SDG 3, 14, 15), and climate change ...
In the debates about the successor policy framework, leading up to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), tertiary education (TE) was promoted both as a target in its own right and as a means of implementation for many other goals (Boni, Lopez-Fogues and Walker 2016; ...