学生们意识到,作为消费者和生产者,每个人都应该提高责任意识,将绿色理念融入到日常生活中。 Field Study—Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production 第三组学生们肩负着探索SDGs目标15——陆地生物多样性的重任。站在青屏山顶,他们被眼前的动植物所...
Goal 15 DESMI’s business “EnviRo-Care” offers clean-up solutions not only in the oceans, seas and near shore areas but within the heart of the busiest cities to ensure quality environment, clean waterways and good well-being of the local societies. Not to forget the reduced risk of fl...
15. Goal 15 | Life on Land(陆地生命):保护、恢复和促进可持续利用陆地生态系统、可持续管理森林、防治荒漠化、制止和扭转土地退化现象、遏制生物多样性的丧失。 16. Goal 16 | Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions(和平、公正和包容的社会):促进有利于可持续发展的和平和包容性社会、为所有人提供诉诸司法的...
SDGs Goal15 目标 15:Life On Land(陆地生物) 这本书曾获得美国图书馆协会年度好书、美国《出版家周刊》Cuffie 奖、美国儿童图书中心期刊 “蓝丝带 ”奖等多项大奖。故事讲的是发生在动物园里的一个有趣的事:夜深了,迷迷糊糊的动物管 理员来给动物们道晚安,却被调皮的大...
Goal 5: Gender equality Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure Goal 11: Responsible consumption and production Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production ...
1.消除一切形式的贫困(Goal 1):贫困是造成环境破坏的重要原因之一,通过消除贫困可以减缓环境破坏的速度。 2.零饥饿(Goal 2):通过实现食品安全,减少食品浪费等措施来推进可持续农业和改善资源利用效率。 3.保障健康和福利(Goal 3):提高卫生保障水平可以有效减少环境污染和各种污染物对人体健康产生的危害。 4.清洁水...
Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss 目标15:保护、恢复和促进可持续利用陆地生态系统,可持续管理森林,防治荒漠化,制止和扭转土地退化,遏制生物多样性的丧失 Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies ...
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy: The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 7 urges to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We are leading the shift to clean energy that can power every industry, every business, every community, and every home...
[14] Carvalho Rodrigo Coelho de; Nahas Maria Inês Pedrosa; Heller Léo.Localizing Sustainable Development Goal 6: An Assessment of Equitable Access to Sanitation in a Brazilian Metropolitan Region[J].Sustainability,2020,12(17):6776-6776.