This podcast series will take you on a journey to explore what is possible and help you believe that humanity can save itself and our planet. Listen now Summary AI has the power to accelerate solutions to tackle global challenges and structural inequalities. But its potential to...
Indeed, a survey on 160 riders in Australia revealed that about half of them have either directly incurred injuries due to dangerous driving or indirectly heard of other riders sustaining injuries during deliveries [3]. Fortunately, the issue of rider safety has been recognized and improved in ...
Our ambition Kendrion aims to contribute to the advancement of selected SDGs and involved careful consideration of all SDGs and an active dialogue with our internal and external stakeholders, including a sustainability survey. Based on this comprehensive review, we identified several SDGs where we can...
The sustainability of universities is important to realize global SDGs. However, there is a lack of research on the internal dynamic relationship of the SDGs in universities. This study aims to deep tap the dynamic mechanism and scientific core connotati
From the business perspective, the SDGs provide an opportunity for the ambition of value creation, according to the survey held by Accenture and UN Global Compact in 2016. Furthermore, according to the same survey, 70 per cent of the respondent CEOs argue that the SDGs provide a clear ...
survey results is the big increase in the proportion of companies making efforts to implement these principles, from 36% in the previous survey to 76% in the latest survey over the past three years, meaning the implementation of human rights due diligence has rapidly gained traction among ...
BSR和Globescan曾於2018年9月共同出版《2018年企業永續問卷調查》(2018 State of Sustainable Business Survey),其中70%以上受訪企業領導人表示,已經開始依據永續發展目標(SDGs),來訂定企業的永續策略和方向。 站在這個基礎來看,今日企業營運各式挑戰百出,若要實踐SDGs,單打獨鬥已經不再是聰明的方法。舉凡氣候變遷、...
Based on the results of the Nikkei Comprehensive Sustainability Survey, a judging committee comprised of external experts comprehensively evaluates initiatives of 887 companies, mainly listed companies, that respond to the survey. The SDGs Strategy/Economic Value Award, which is a category award, select...
The 2016 Sustainability Leaders - A GlobeScan / SustainAbility survey The 2016 Sustainability Leaders - A GlobeScan / SustainAbility survey AIDF mobile for development:Transforming global healthcare through mobile technology AIDF mobile for development:Transforming global healthcare through mobile technology ...
It is therefore no surprise that 49 per cent of mobile money providers participating in the GSMA Mobile Money Global Adoption Survey identified enterprise solutions as one of their top three strategic priorities for 2018. Merchant payments were rated the highest product priority for 2018 by 60 per...