The potential for zoonotic malaria transmission in five areas of Indonesia inhabited by non-human primates Indonesia is home to many species of non-human primates (NHPs). Deforestation, which is still ongoing in Indonesia, has substantially reduced the habitat of NHPs in the republic. This has ...
Tujuan penulisan naskah adalah untuk memberikan gambaran keterkaitan antara rencana pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan pelaksanaan program pembangunan berkelanjutan, sebagai evaluasi untuk meningkatkan implementasinya di Indonesia. Meskipun pemerintah telah melaksanakan program SDGs, tetapi strategi yang inovatif ...
Bhutan, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Ethiopia, Finland, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Philippines, Rwanda, and Switzerland [15]. The collaboration between IBM and civil society organizations to innovatively address plastic (re)usage is an example of leadership and cross-sectoral ...
and covered ideas such as integrated solutions for water in Indonesia (‘Water Warriors’), bringing indigenous knowledge into decision-making on health in the Pacific Islands, flooding and water issues as well as engaging youth in Africa, and to design how to map knowledge about the SDGs in A...
h5> This research aims to look at how implementation of CSR based on the criteria of SDGs for companies incorporated in Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) in Indonesia. This research is important because pengukapan corporate CSR is important information for current stakeholders in the decision ...
doi:10.38035/dijefa.v5i5.3516INDONESIATECHNICAL reportsSUSTAINABLE developmentECONOMIC expansionISLAMIC lawQUALITATIVE researchThis study's objective is to present an interlinkage framework and analytical options through relevant reports and scientific publications of the roadmap that hav...
This research is important because it is to find out how regional development is achieved in Indonesia from an economic perspectiveAlfaris, Risnandha DiksiRustam, RinaldiSyafriJournal of Comprehensive Science (JCS)
In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IOTAIS), Bali, Indonesia, 1–3 November 2018; pp. 85–89. [Google Scholar] Kaewunruen, S.; Rungskunroch, P.; Welsh, J. A digital-twin evaluation of net zero energy building for ...