Iterations on the New Economy Isabelle Swiderski - January 5, 2023 Reforming Plastic Waste in Southeast Asia David Evans - December 19, 2022 Demystifying Entrepreneurship for Overlooked Founders A conversation with investor and entrepreneur Kimmy Paluch Megan Brewster - December 15, 2022 Sh...
TARGET 11.6 REDUCE THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF CITIES By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management.目标 11.6 减少城市对环境的影响 到 2030 年,减少城市对人均环境的不利影响,包括...
食物浪费的管理策略 Food waste management strategies 扫码进入征稿页面 全球食品系统从摇篮到坟墓的温室气体排放占总排放量的近一半。令人震惊的是,这些排放中很大一部分与可避免的食物浪费有关。消费者的疏忽和不平等的技术发展加剧了这一问题。当十亿人为下一顿饭...
little or no wastemanagement systems, overcrowded public transport and limited access to formal health carefacilities. Many of these populations work in the informal sector and are at high risk of losingtheir livelihoods as ...
A Fresh Take on Impact Management: First Principles Sara Olsen - July 27, 2023 Kenya: An Oasis for Impact Investing in the African Landscape Unveiling the promise of the “Silicon Savannah” Christian Kingombe - July 11, 2023 Buying Social Impact A new marketplace called OutcomesX Da...
10 Jun 2024 Marell Boats founder and owner Patrik Söderholm makes fast aluminium patrol boats running on electricity. The journey of a lifetime all began in his grandfather’s fishing boat. ALBA's sustainable waste management with Scania electric tr...
We identified six primary clusters: (1) corporate social responsibility (CSR), environmental, social, and governance and governance impact on financial and environmental outcomes; (2) sustainable supply chain management; (3) circular economy and technological innovation; (4) sustainable tourism and ...
SDG summit 2024on the central theme ofDriven with purpose and profit – Climate Action & Creating Impactas planned on16thOctoberinNew Delhi.The upcoming6theditionaims to transform the world by changing ideas to solutions. It focusses on assisting businesses towards more environment friendly practices...
We are a software solutions company focused on helping you gain greater value from your data. We use RFID, IoT, and other technologies to help you improve productivity, profitability, and safety while reducing time and material waste. About us ...