The paper focuses on environmental monitoring in European regions using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework. Adopted in 2015, the United Nations SDG are a set of global goals developed to guide countries towards sustainable development. Although designed for the national level, it is gr...
PERSPECTIVE PUBLISHED ONLINE: 17 JULY 2017 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2985 National baselines for the Sustainable Development Goals assessed in the SDG Index and Dashboards Guido Schmidt-Traub1*, Christian Kroll2, Katerina Teksoz1, David Durand-Delacre1 and Jeffrey D. Sachs1,3 The Sustainable ...
Some companies list dozens of activities that address almost all SDGs, whereas other companies prioritize specific goals and list a few activities with high materiality. Hence, the number of activities is normalized in Eq. (1) so that each company is given the same weight. R(m,g) satisfies ...
Introduction With 17 goals and 169 targets, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form a long list of the attributes of a desirable global society imagined collectively by the actors involved in its design. Since the 17 SDGs were adopted through a dem- ocratic procedure at the General ...
This provides a comprehensive understanding of how blockchain technology, in reshaping the energy sector, can lead to the fulfillment of specific Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), 8 (decent work and economy growth), 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), 11...
Available online: (accessed on 15 July 2018). Allen, C.; Nejdawi, R.; El-Baba, J.; Hamati, K.; Metternicht, G.; Wiedmann, T. Indicator-Based Assessments of Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Case ...
The Sustainable Development Goals map out a broad spectrum of objectives. Analytical tools in form of the Index and Dashboards provide a starting point to set national baselines, and allow comparison of the SDGs with other indices of well-being. The Sust
Target 6.4 of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) deals with the reduction of water scarcity. To monitor progress towards this target, two indicators are used: Indicator 6.4.1 measuring water use efficiency and 6.4.2 measuring the level of water stress (WS). This paper aim...
In short, if a company intends to achieve the ambitious goals of SDG 8 through its humble contribution, it must promote balance and transparency between parties and individuals on the basis of equality and reason under the rule of law. However, it will only be able to promote these values ...
Global Indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; United Nation: New York, NY, USA, 2017; Available online: indicators-list/ (accessed on 31 March 2021). 12. Asprone, D.; ...