I was luckily allowed to join the group of Hack 1-Innovation model of the energy transition development in the context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, which attracted me the most. Meanwhile, lots of work was achieved efficiently...
第二讲Conventional energy system and transition of energy system(传统能源系统与能源系统转型) · 浙江大学能源学院副教授郑梦莲以一个问题“你认为的零碳能源系统实现路径。”为课程开端,引发了同学们对于“碳中和”实现路径的思考。课程中,郑老师通过对当前...
07.Affordable and Clean Energy-Sustainable Development Goals for Kids 03:37 08.Decent Work and Economic Growth-Sustainable Development Goals for K 03:52 09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure-Sustainable Development Goa 02:50 10.Reduced Inequalities-Sustainable Development Goals for Kids 03:16...
SDG 7 realizes that there is significant disparity in terms of energy availability and access across the globe; thus, it emphasizes specifically on bettering the situation in developing and least developed countries. As per the IEA report of 2017, 1.2 billion (16% of world population) people ...
2.United Nations (n.d.). Energy | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. [online] sdgs.un.org. Available at: https://sdgs.un.org/topics/energy.3.United Nations (2022). Goal 7 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. [online] sdgs.un.org. Available at: https://sdgs.un.org...
王婧女士通过介绍她所在的美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)及其创立并拥有的 LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)标准来介绍什么是绿色建筑。 美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC) 成立于1993年,其最初是为了完成美国的一个白宫改造项目(Make the White House Green)而组织成立的志愿者组织。在白宫改造项目完成后,该...
王婧女士通过介绍她所在的美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)及其创立并拥有的 LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)标准来介绍什么是绿色建筑。 美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC) 成立于1993年,其最初是为了完成美国的一个白宫改造项目(Make the White House Green)而组织成立的志愿者组织。在白宫改造项目完成后,该...
SDG 7: AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY 可持续发展目标7:经济适用的清洁能源 ENSURE ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE, RELIABLE, SUSTAINABLE AND MODERN ENERGY FOR ALL.确保人人都能够获取到经济适用的、可靠的、可持续的和现代化的能源。Renewable energy solutions are becoming cheaper, more reliable and more efficient every ...
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy (负担得起的清洁能源) ⚡🌞#SDGOpenHack云南 34 -- 0:57 App 创意征集优秀作品三来自谭雅文同学:你知道怎么保护海洋生物吗?让我们一起行动起来吧[加油][加油][加油]#SDGOpenHack #SDG #可持续发展目标 526 -- 1:46 App SDG11 - 可持续城市与社区城市心跳,地球呼...